Source code for fpiweb.views

""" - establish the views (pages) for the F. P. I. web application.

from collections import OrderedDict
from csv import writer as csv_writer
from enum import Enum
from http import HTTPStatus
from io import BytesIO
from json import loads
from logging import getLogger, debug, info
from string import digits
from typing import Optional

from django.conf import settings
from django.contrib.auth import authenticate, login, logout
from django.contrib.auth.mixins import \
    LoginRequiredMixin, \
from django.core.serializers import serialize
from django.db import transaction
from django.db.models import Max
from django.db.models.functions import Substr
from django.forms import formset_factory
from django.http import \
    FileResponse, \
    HttpResponse, \
    JsonResponse, \
from django.shortcuts import redirect, render
from django.urls import reverse, reverse_lazy
from django.utils import timezone
from django.views import View
from django.views.generic import \
    CreateView, \
    DeleteView, \
    DetailView, \
    FormView, \
    ListView, \
    TemplateView, \

from sqlalchemy.engine.url import URL

from fpiweb.constants import \
    ProjectError, \
from fpiweb.models import \
    Activity, \
    Box, \
    BoxNumber, \
    Constraints, \
    LocRow, \
    LocBin, \
    LocTier, \
    Pallet, \
    Product, \
    Profile, \
    Location, \
from fpiweb.code_reader import \
    CodeReaderError, \
from fpiweb.forms import \
    BoxItemForm, \
    BoxTypeForm, \
    ConfirmMergeForm, \
    ConstraintsForm, \
    BuildPalletForm, \
    EmptyBoxNumberForm, \
    ExistingBoxTypeForm, \
    ExistingLocationForm, \
    ExistingLocationWithBoxesForm, \
    ExistingProductForm, \
    ExtantBoxNumberForm, \
    ExpYearForm, \
    FilledBoxNumberForm, \
    HiddenPalletForm, \
    LocRowForm, \
    LocBinForm, \
    LocTierForm, \
    LoginForm, \
    MoveToLocationForm, \
    NewBoxForm, \
    NewBoxNumberForm, \
    PalletNameForm, \
    PalletSelectForm, \
    PrintLabelsForm, \
    ProductForm, \
    ExpMoStartForm, \
    ExpMoEndForm, \
from fpiweb.qr_code_utilities import QRCodePrinter
from import BoxManagementClass

__author__ = '(Multiple)'
__project__ = "Food-Pantry-Inventory"
__creation_date__ = "04/01/2019"

logger = getLogger('fpiweb')

[docs]def error_page( request, message=None, message_list=tuple(), status=HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST): return render( request, 'fpiweb/error.html', { 'message': message, 'message_list': message_list, }, status=status )
[docs]def get_user_and_profile(request): user = request.user profile = user.profile or Profile.objects.create(user=user) return user, profile
[docs]class IndexView(LoginRequiredMixin, TemplateView): """ Default web page (/index) """ template_name = 'fpiweb/index.html'
[docs] def get_context_data(self, **kwargs): """ Add some security info so appropriate links can be hidden. :param kwargs: :return: """ context = super().get_context_data(**kwargs) current_user = self.request.user profile=Profile.objects.get(user=current_user) context={ 'first_name': current_user.first_name, 'last_name': current_user.last_name, 'title': profile.title, 'email': } return context
[docs]class AboutView(TemplateView): """ The About View for this application. """ template_name = 'fpiweb/about.html' context_object_name = 'about_context'
[docs] def get_context_data(self, **kwargs): """ Add Site Information to About page. :param kwargs: :return: """ # get this information from the database later context = super().get_context_data(**kwargs) site_name = 'WARM (Westerville Area Resource Ministries)' site_address = '150 Heatherdown Dr.' site_csz = 'Westerville Ohio 43081' site_phone = '614-899-0196' site_url = '' context['site_name'] = site_name context['site_address'] = site_address context['site_csz'] = site_csz context['site_phone'] = site_phone context['site_url'] = site_url return context
[docs]class LoginView(FormView): template_name = 'fpiweb/login.html' form_class = LoginForm success_url = reverse_lazy('fpiweb:index')
[docs] def form_valid(self, form): username = form.cleaned_data.get('username') password = form.cleaned_data.get('password') user = authenticate( request=self.request, username=username, password=password ) if user is None: form.add_error(None, "Invalid username and/or password") return self.form_invalid(form) login(self.request, user) profile = Profile.objects.get_or_create(, defaults={'title': 'User'}, ) return super().form_valid(form)
[docs]class LogoutView(TemplateView): template_name = 'fpiweb/logout.html'
[docs] def get_context_data(self, **kwargs): logout(self.request) nothing = dict() return nothing
[docs]class MaintenanceView(PermissionRequiredMixin, TemplateView): """ Default web page (/index) """ permission_required = ( 'fpiweb.view_system_maintenance', ) template_name = 'fpiweb/maintenance.html'
[docs]class LocRowListView(PermissionRequiredMixin, ListView): """ List of existing rows using a generic ListView. """ permission_required = ( 'fpiweb.view_locrow', ) model = LocRow template_name = 'fpiweb/loc_row_list.html' context_object_name = 'loc_row_list_content'
[docs]class LocRowCreateView(PermissionRequiredMixin, CreateView): """ Create a row using a generic CreateView. """ permission_required = ( 'fpiweb.add_locrow', ) model = LocRow template_name = 'fpiweb/loc_row_edit.html' context_object_name = 'loc_row' success_url = reverse_lazy('fpiweb:loc_row_view') formClass = LocRowForm fields = ['loc_row', 'loc_row_descr', ]
[docs]class LocRowUpdateView(PermissionRequiredMixin, UpdateView): """ Update a row using a generic UpdateView. """ permission_required = ( 'fpiweb.change_locrow', ) model = LocRow template_name = 'fpiweb/loc_row_edit.html' context_object_name = 'loc_row' form_class = LocRowForm success_url = reverse_lazy('fpiweb:loc_row_view')
[docs]class LocRowDeleteView(PermissionRequiredMixin, DeleteView): """ Delete a row using a generic DeleteView. """ permission_required = ( 'fpiweb.delete_locrow', ) model = LocRow template_name = 'fpiweb/loc_row_delete.html' context_object_name = 'loc_row' success_url = reverse_lazy('fpiweb:loc_row_view') form_class = LocRowForm
[docs] def get_context_data(self, **kwargs): """ Modify the context before rendering the template. :param kwargs: :return: """ context = super(LocRowDeleteView, self).get_context_data(**kwargs) context['action'] = reverse('fpiweb:loc_row_delete', kwargs={'pk': self.get_object().id}) return context
[docs]class LocBinListView(PermissionRequiredMixin, ListView): """ List of existing bins using a generic ListView. """ permission_required = ( 'fpiweb.view_locbin', ) model = LocBin template_name = 'fpiweb/loc_bin_list.html' context_object_name = 'loc_bin_list_content'
[docs]class LocBinCreateView(PermissionRequiredMixin, CreateView): """ Create a bin using a generic CreateView. """ permission_required = ( 'fpiweb.add_locbin', ) model = LocBin template_name = 'fpiweb/loc_bin_edit.html' context_object_name = 'loc_bin' success_url = reverse_lazy('fpiweb:loc_bin_view') formClass = LocBinForm fields = ['loc_bin', 'loc_bin_descr', ]
[docs]class LocBinUpdateView(PermissionRequiredMixin, UpdateView): """ Update a bin using a generic UpdateView. """ permission_required = ( 'fpiweb.change_locbin', ) model = LocBin template_name = 'fpiweb/loc_bin_edit.html' context_object_name = 'loc_bin' success_url = reverse_lazy('fpiweb:loc_bin_view') form_class = LocBinForm
[docs] def get_context_data(self, **kwargs): """ Modify the context before rendering the template. :param kwargs: :return: """ context = super(LocBinUpdateView, self).get_context_data(**kwargs) context['action'] = reverse('fpiweb:loc_bin_update', kwargs={'pk': self.get_object().id}) return context
[docs]class LocBinDeleteView(PermissionRequiredMixin, DeleteView): """ Delete a bin using a generic DeleteView. """ permission_required = ( 'fpiweb.delete_locbin', ) model = LocBin template_name = 'fpiweb/loc_bin_delete.html' context_object_name = 'loc_bin' success_url = reverse_lazy('fpiweb:loc_bin_view') form_class = LocBinForm
[docs] def get_context_data(self, **kwargs): """ Modify the context before rendering the template. :param kwargs: :return: """ context = super(LocBinDeleteView, self).get_context_data(**kwargs) context['action'] = reverse('fpiweb:loc_bin_delete', kwargs={'pk': self.get_object().id}) return context
[docs]class LocTierListView(PermissionRequiredMixin, ListView): """ List of existing tiers using a generic ListView. """ permission_required = ( 'fpiweb.view_loctier', ) model = LocTier template_name = 'fpiweb/loc_tier_list.html' context_object_name = 'loc_tier_list_content'
[docs]class LocTierCreateView(PermissionRequiredMixin, CreateView): """ Create a tier using a generic CreateView. """ permission_required = ( 'fpiweb.add_loctier', ) model = LocTier template_name = 'fpiweb/loc_tier_edit.html' context_object_name = 'loc_tier' success_url = reverse_lazy('fpiweb:loc_tier_view') formClass = LocTierForm fields = ['loc_tier', 'loc_tier_descr', ]
[docs]class LocTierUpdateView(PermissionRequiredMixin, UpdateView): """ Update a tier using a generic UpdateView. """ permission_required = ( 'fpiweb.change_loctier', ) model = LocTier template_name = 'fpiweb/loc_tier_edit.html' context_object_name = 'loc_tier' success_url = reverse_lazy('fpiweb:loc_tier_view') form_class = LocTierForm
[docs] def get_context_data(self, **kwargs): """ Modify the context before rendering the template. :param kwargs: :return: """ context = super(LocTierUpdateView, self).get_context_data(**kwargs) context['action'] = reverse('fpiweb:loc_tier_update', kwargs={'pk': self.get_object().id}) return context
[docs]class LocTierDeleteView(PermissionRequiredMixin, DeleteView): """ Delete a tier using a generic DeleteView. """ permission_required = ( 'fpiweb.delete_loctier', ) model = LocTier template_name = 'fpiweb/loc_tier_delete.html' context_object_name = 'loc_tier' success_url = reverse_lazy('fpiweb:loc_tier_view') form_class = LocTierForm
[docs] def get_context_data(self, **kwargs): """ Modify the context before rendering the template. :param kwargs: :return: """ context = super(LocTierDeleteView, self).get_context_data(**kwargs) context['action'] = reverse('fpiweb:loc_tier_delete', kwargs={'pk': self.get_object().id}) return context
[docs]class ConstraintsListView(PermissionRequiredMixin, ListView): """ List of existing constraints. """ permission_required = ( 'fpiweb.view_constraints', ) model = Constraints template_name = 'fpiweb/constraints_list.html' context_object_name = 'constraints_list_content'
[docs] def get_context_data(self, *, object_list=None, **kwargs): """ Add additional content to the context dictionary. :param object_list: :param kwargs: :return: """ context = super(ConstraintsListView, self).get_context_data() # provide additional information to the template INT_RANGE = Constraints.INT_RANGE CHAR_RANGE = Constraints.CHAR_RANGE range_list = [INT_RANGE, CHAR_RANGE] context['range_list'] = range_list info( f'Constraint extra info: INT_RANGE: {INT_RANGE}, ' f'CHAR__RANGE: ' f'{CHAR_RANGE}, range_list: {range_list}' ) return context
[docs]class ConstraintCreateView(PermissionRequiredMixin, CreateView): """ Create a constraint using a generic CreateView. """ permission_required = ( 'fpiweb.add_constraints', ) model = Constraints template_name = 'fpiweb/constraint_edit.html' context_object_name = 'constraints' success_url = reverse_lazy('fpiweb:constraints_view') formClass = ConstraintsForm fields = ['constraint_name', 'constraint_descr', 'constraint_type', 'constraint_min', 'constraint_max', 'constraint_list', ]
[docs]class ConstraintUpdateView(PermissionRequiredMixin, UpdateView): """ Update a constraint using a generic UpdateView. """ permission_required = ( 'fpiweb.change_constraints', ) model = Constraints template_name = 'fpiweb/constraint_edit.html' context_object_name = 'constraints' form_class = ConstraintsForm
[docs] def get_context_data(self, **kwargs): """ Modify the context before rendering the template. :param kwargs: :return: """ context = super(ConstraintUpdateView, self).get_context_data(**kwargs) context['action'] = reverse('fpiweb:constraint_update', kwargs={'pk': self.get_object().id}) return context
[docs] def get_success_url(self): """ Set the next URL to use once the edit is successful. :return: """ results = reverse('fpiweb:constraints_view') return results
[docs]class ConstraintDeleteView(PermissionRequiredMixin, DeleteView): """ Delete a constraint using a generic DeleteView. """ permission_required = ( 'fpiweb.delete_constraints', ) model = Constraints template_name = 'fpiweb/constraint_delete.html' context_object_name = 'constraints' success_url = reverse_lazy('fpiweb:constraints_view') form_class = ConstraintsForm
[docs] def get_context_data(self, **kwargs): """ Modify the context before rendering the template. :param kwargs: :return: """ context = super(ConstraintDeleteView, self).get_context_data(**kwargs) context['action'] = reverse('fpiweb:constraint_delete', kwargs={'pk': self.get_object().id}) return context
[docs]class BoxNewView(PermissionRequiredMixin, View): # model = Box permission_required = ( 'fpiweb.dummy_profile', ) template_name = 'fpiweb/box_new.html' # context_object_name = 'box' # form_class = NewBoxForm # def get_success_url(self): # return reverse( # 'fpiweb:box_details', # args=(,) # )
[docs] def get(self, request, *args, **kwargs): box_number = kwargs.get('box_number') if not box_number: return error_page(request, 'missing box_number') if not BoxNumber.validate(box_number): return error_page( request, "Invalid box_number '{}'".format(box_number), ) new_box_form = NewBoxForm(initial={'box_number': box_number}) return render( request, self.template_name, { 'form': new_box_form, } )
[docs] def post(self, request, *args, **kwargs): box_number = kwargs.get('box_number') if not box_number: return error_page(request, 'missing box_number') if not BoxNumber.validate(box_number): return error_page( request, "Invalid box_number '{}'".format(box_number), ) new_box_form = NewBoxForm( request.POST, initial={'box_number': box_number}, ) if not new_box_form.is_valid(): return render( request, self.template_name, { 'form': new_box_form, }, ) box = return redirect(reverse('fpiweb:box_details', args=(,)))
[docs]class BoxEditView(PermissionRequiredMixin, UpdateView): permission_required = ( 'fpiweb.dummy_profile', ) model = Box template_name = 'fpiweb/box_edit.html' context_object_name = 'box' form_class = NewBoxForm success_url = reverse_lazy('fpiweb:index')
[docs]class BoxDetailsView(PermissionRequiredMixin, DetailView): permission_required = ( 'fpiweb.dummy_profile', ) model = Box template_name = 'fpiweb/box_detail.html' context_object_name = 'box'
[docs] def get_context_data(self, **kwargs): logger.debug(f"kwargs are {kwargs}") context = super().get_context_data(**kwargs) return context
[docs]class BoxEmptyMoveView(PermissionRequiredMixin, TemplateView): permission_required = ( 'fpiweb.dummy_profile', ) template_name = 'fpiweb/box_empty_move.html'
[docs] def get_context_data(self, **kwargs): return {}
[docs]class BoxMoveView(PermissionRequiredMixin, TemplateView): permission_required = ( 'fpiweb.dummy_profile', ) template_name = 'fpiweb/box_empty_move.html'
[docs] def get_context_data(self, **kwargs): return {}
[docs]class BoxEmptyView(PermissionRequiredMixin, View): permission_required = ( 'fpiweb.dummy_profile', )
[docs]class BoxScannedView(PermissionRequiredMixin, View): permission_required = ( 'fpiweb.dummy_profile', )
[docs] def get(self, request, **kwargs): box_number = kwargs.get('number') if box_number is None: return error_page(request, "missing kwargs['number']") box_number = BoxNumber.format_box_number(box_number) try: box = Box.objects.get(box_number=box_number) except Box.DoesNotExist: return redirect('fpiweb:box_new', box_number=box_number) return redirect('fpiweb:build_pallet', args=(,))
[docs]class TestScanView(PermissionRequiredMixin, TemplateView): permission_required = ( 'fpiweb.dummy_profile', ) template_name = 'fpiweb/test_scan.html'
[docs] @staticmethod def get_box_scanned_url(box_number): if box_number.lower().startswith('box'): box_number = box_number[3:] return reverse('fpiweb:box_scanned', args=(box_number,))
[docs] @staticmethod def get_box_url_by_filters(**filters): box_number = Box.objects \ .filter(**filters) \ .values_list('box_number', flat=True) \ .first() if box_number is None: return "" return TestScanView.get_box_scanned_url(box_number)
[docs] def get_context_data(self, **kwargs): full_box_url = self.get_box_url_by_filters(product__isnull=False) empty_box_url = self.get_box_url_by_filters(product__isnull=True) new_box_url = self.get_box_scanned_url( BoxNumber.get_next_box_number() ) # schema http or https schema = 'http' if settings.DEBUG is False and hasattr(self.request, 'schema'): schema = self.request.schema protocol_and_host = "{}://{}".format( schema, self.request.META.get('HTTP_HOST', '') ) full_box_url = protocol_and_host + full_box_url empty_box_url = protocol_and_host + empty_box_url new_box_url = protocol_and_host + new_box_url empty_box = Box.objects.filter(product__isnull=True).first() full_box = Box.objects.filter(product__isnull=False).first() return { 'full_box_url': full_box_url, 'empty_box_url': empty_box_url, 'new_box_url': new_box_url, 'empty_box': empty_box, 'full_box': full_box, 'next_box_number': BoxNumber.get_next_box_number(), }
[docs]class BuildPalletError(RuntimeError): pass
[docs]class BuildPalletView(PermissionRequiredMixin, View): permission_required = ( 'fpiweb.build_pallet', ) form_template = 'fpiweb/build_pallet.html' confirmation_template = 'fpiweb/build_pallet_confirmation.html' build_pallet_form_prefix = 'build_pallet' formset_prefix = 'box_forms' hidden_pallet_form_prefix = 'pallet' page_title = 'Build Pallet' BoxFormFactory = formset_factory( BoxItemForm, extra=0, ) PALLET_SELECT_FORM_NAME = 'pallet_select_form' PALLET_NAME_FORM_NAME = 'pallet_name_form'
[docs] def show_forms_response( self, request, build_pallet_form, box_forms, pallet_form, status=HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST): """ Display page with BuildPalletForm and BoxItemForms :param request: :param build_pallet_form: :param box_forms: :param pallet_form: :param status: :return: """ return render( request, self.form_template, { 'form': build_pallet_form, 'box_forms': box_forms, 'pallet_form': pallet_form, }, status=status, )
[docs] @staticmethod def show_pallet_management_page( request, pallet_select_form=None, pallet_name_form=None, status_code=HTTPStatus.OK): return PalletManagementView.show_page( request, page_title=BuildPalletView.page_title, prompt="Select an existing pallet or create a new one to continue", show_delete=False, pallet_select_form=pallet_select_form, pallet_name_form=pallet_name_form, status_code=status_code, )
[docs] def get(self, request): # Show page to select/add new pallet. This page will POST back to this # view return self.show_pallet_management_page(request)
[docs] def post(self, request): # logger.debug(f"POST data is {request.POST}") # The forms in pallet_management.html have a form_name input to help # us sort out which form is being submitted. form_name = request.POST.get('form_name') if form_name is None: # Processing contents of build_pallet.html return self.process_build_pallet_forms(request) if form_name not in [ self.PALLET_SELECT_FORM_NAME, self.PALLET_NAME_FORM_NAME ]: message = f"Unexpected form name {repr(form_name)}" logger.error(message) return error_page( request, message=message, status=HTTPStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, ) pallet = None if form_name == self.PALLET_SELECT_FORM_NAME: pallet_select_form = PalletSelectForm(request.POST) if not pallet_select_form.is_valid(): return self.show_pallet_management_page( request, pallet_select_form=pallet_select_form, status_code=HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST, ) pallet = pallet_select_form.cleaned_data.get('pallet') pallet.pallet_status = Pallet.FILL if form_name == self.PALLET_NAME_FORM_NAME: pallet_name_form = PalletNameForm(request.POST) if not pallet_name_form.is_valid(): return self.show_pallet_management_page( request, pallet_name_form=pallet_name_form, status_code=HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST, ) pallet_name_form.instance.pallet_status = Pallet.FILL pallet = if not pallet: message = f"pallet not set" logger.error(message) return error_page( request, message=message, status=HTTPStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, ) # Load boxes (PalletBox records) for pallet pallet_boxes = pallet.boxes.all() initial_data = [] for pallet_box in pallet_boxes: form_data = { 'box_number': pallet_box.box_number, 'product': pallet_box.product, 'exp_year': pallet_box.exp_year, 'exp_month_start': pallet_box.exp_month_start, 'exp_month_end': pallet_box.exp_month_end, } print("adding {} to initial_data".format(form_data)) initial_data.append(form_data) build_pallet_form = BuildPalletForm( prefix=self.build_pallet_form_prefix, instance=pallet.location, ) box_forms = self.BoxFormFactory( initial=initial_data, prefix=self.formset_prefix, ) pallet_form = HiddenPalletForm( prefix=self.hidden_pallet_form_prefix, initial={ 'pallet': pallet, }, ) return self.show_forms_response( request, build_pallet_form, box_forms, pallet_form, status=HTTPStatus.OK, )
[docs] @staticmethod def prepare_pallet_and_pallet_boxes( pallet_form, build_pallet_form, box_forms, ): location = build_pallet_form.instance pallet = pallet_form.cleaned_data.get('pallet') pallet.location = location pallet.pallet_status = Pallet.FILL # Update box records and boxes_by_box_number = OrderedDict() duplicate_box_numbers = set() for i, box_form in enumerate(box_forms): cleaned_data = box_form.cleaned_data if not cleaned_data: continue box_number = cleaned_data.get('box_number') # Is this a duplicate box_id? if box_number in boxes_by_box_number: duplicate_box_numbers.add(box_number) continue # Is box_number present in database? try: pallet_box = PalletBox.objects.get( pallet=pallet, box_number=box_number ) logger.debug(f"found existing box {box_number}") except PalletBox.DoesNotExist: pallet_box = PalletBox( box_number=box_number, ) logger.debug(f"Created new box {box_number}") pallet_box.pallet = pallet pallet_box.product = cleaned_data.get('product') pallet_box.exp_year = cleaned_data.get('exp_year') pallet_box.exp_month_start = cleaned_data.get('exp_month_start', 0) pallet_box.exp_month_end = cleaned_data.get('exp_month_end', 0) # Does the pallet_box have a box? if not box, created = Box.objects.get_or_create( box_number=box_number, box_type=Box.box_type_default(), ) = box boxes_by_box_number[box_number] = pallet_box # When the box was scanned it would have been emptied if it was # filled. This catches whether anything has changed. if box_management = BoxManagementClass() box_management.box_consume( if duplicate_box_numbers: duplicate_box_numbers = [str(k) for k in duplicate_box_numbers] message = f"Duplicate box numbers: {', '.join(duplicate_box_numbers)}" logger.debug(message) build_pallet_form.add_error(None, message) raise BuildPalletError(message) return pallet, location, boxes_by_box_number
[docs] def process_build_pallet_forms(self, request): build_pallet_form = BuildPalletForm( request.POST, prefix=self.build_pallet_form_prefix ) box_forms = self.BoxFormFactory( request.POST, prefix=self.formset_prefix, ) pallet_form = HiddenPalletForm( request.POST, prefix=self.hidden_pallet_form_prefix, ) build_pallet_form_valid = build_pallet_form.is_valid() if not build_pallet_form_valid: logger.debug("BuildPalletForm not valid") box_forms_valid = box_forms.is_valid() if not box_forms_valid: logger.debug("BoxForms not valid") pallet_form_valid = pallet_form.is_valid() if not pallet_form_valid: logger.debug("HiddenPalletForm not valid") if not all([ build_pallet_form_valid, box_forms_valid, pallet_form_valid ]): return self.show_forms_response( request, build_pallet_form, box_forms, pallet_form, ) try: pallet, location, boxes_by_box_number = \ self.prepare_pallet_and_pallet_boxes( pallet_form, build_pallet_form, box_forms, ) except BuildPalletError: return self.show_forms_response( request, build_pallet_form, box_forms, pallet_form, ) box_management = BoxManagementClass() box_management.pallet_finish(pallet) return render( request, self.confirmation_template, { 'location': location, 'boxes': boxes_by_box_number.values(), }, )
[docs]class ScannerViewError(RuntimeError): pass
[docs]class ScannerView(PermissionRequiredMixin, View): permission_required = ( 'fpiweb.dummy_profile', )
[docs] @staticmethod def response( success, data=None, errors=None, status=HTTPStatus.OK, ): return JsonResponse( { 'success': success, 'data': data if data else {}, 'errors': errors if errors else [], }, status=status )
[docs] @staticmethod def error_response(errors, status=HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST): return ScannerView.response( False, errors, status=status )
[docs] @staticmethod def get_keyed_in_box_number(box_number): """ :param box_number: the box number (a string), may be None :return: """ box_number = box_number or '' if not box_number: return None # strip out everything, but digits box_number = "".join(c for c in box_number if c in digits) if not box_number: return None try: box_number = int(box_number) except ValueError: return None return BoxNumber.format_box_number(box_number)
[docs] @staticmethod def get_box(scan_data=None, box_number=None): if not scan_data and not box_number: raise ScannerViewError('missing scan_data and box_number') if not box_number: try: box_number = read_box_number(scan_data) except CodeReaderError as cre: raise ScannerViewError(str(cre)) default_box_type = Box.box_type_default() box, created = Box.objects.get_or_create( box_number=box_number, defaults={ 'box_type': default_box_type, 'quantity': default_box_type.box_type_qty, } ) if created:"Box with box number {box_number} created.") else:"Found box with box number {box_number}.") return box, created
[docs] @staticmethod def get_box_data(scan_data=None, box_number=None): box, created = ScannerView.get_box( scan_data=scan_data, box_number=box_number ) # serialize works on an iterable of objects and returns a string # loads returns a list of dicts box_dicts = loads(serialize("json", [box])) data = { 'box': box_dicts[0], 'box_meta': { 'is_new': created, } } return data
[docs] def post(self, request, *args, **kwargs): scan_data = request.POST.get('scanData') box_number = self.get_keyed_in_box_number( request.POST.get('boxNumber'), ) try: box_data = self.get_box_data(scan_data, box_number) except ScannerViewError as sve: error_message = str(sve) logger.error(error_message) return self.error_response([error_message]) return self.response( True, data=box_data, status=HTTPStatus.OK, )
[docs]class PrintLabelsView(PermissionRequiredMixin, View): permission_required = ( 'fpiweb.print_labels_box', ) template_name = 'fpiweb/print_labels.html'
[docs] @staticmethod def get_base_url(meta): protocol = meta.get('SERVER_PROTOCOL', 'HTTP/1.1') protocol = protocol.split('/')[0].lower() host = meta.get('HTTP_HOST') return f"{protocol}://{host}/"
[docs] def get(self, request, *args, **kwargs): max_box_number = Box.objects.aggregate(Max('box_number')) print("max_box_number", max_box_number) return render( request, self.template_name, {'form': PrintLabelsForm()} )
[docs] def post(self, request, *args, **kwargs): base_url = self.get_base_url(request.META) form = PrintLabelsForm(request.POST) if not form.is_valid(): print("form invalid") return render( request, self.template_name, {'form': form}, ) print("form valid") buffer = BytesIO() QRCodePrinter(url_prefix='').print( starting_number=form.cleaned_data.get('starting_number'), count=form.cleaned_data.get('number_to_print'), buffer=buffer, ) # FileResponse sets the Content-Disposition header so that browsers # present the option to save the file. return FileResponse(buffer, as_attachment=True, filename='labels.pdf')
[docs]class BoxItemFormView(PermissionRequiredMixin, View): permission_required = ( 'fpiweb.add_box', ) template_name = 'fpiweb/box_form.html'
[docs] @staticmethod def get_form(pallet_box, prefix=None): kwargs = { 'initial': BoxItemForm.get_initial_from_box(pallet_box) } if prefix: kwargs['prefix'] = prefix form = BoxItemForm(**kwargs) return form
[docs] def post(self, request): scan_data = request.POST.get('scanData') box_number = ScannerView.get_keyed_in_box_number( request.POST.get('boxNumber'), ) prefix = request.POST.get('prefix') pallet_pk = request.POST.get('palletPk') try: box, created = ScannerView.get_box(scan_data, box_number) except ScannerViewError as sve: error = str(sve) logger.error(error) return HttpResponse("Scan failed.", status=HTTPStatus.NOT_FOUND) try: pallet = Pallet.objects.get(pk=pallet_pk) except Pallet.DoesNotExist as dne: error = f"Pallet pk={pallet_pk} not found" logger.error(error) return HttpResponse(error, status=HTTPStatus.NOT_FOUND) # If box is filled, empty it before continuing if box.is_filled(): box_management = BoxManagementClass() box_management.box_consume(box) # Look for PalletBox record pallet_box, created = PalletBox.objects.get_or_create( box_number=box.box_number, box=box, pallet=pallet ) return render( request, self.template_name, { 'box_number': box.box_number, 'form': self.get_form( pallet_box, prefix), }, )
[docs]class ManualMenuView(PermissionRequiredMixin, TemplateView): """ Menu to choose between manual pallet or manual box management """ permission_required = ( 'fpiweb.view_pallet', ) template_name = 'fpiweb/manual_menu.html'
[docs] def get_context_data(self, **kwargs): """ Add User Information to Manual Menu page. :param kwargs: :return: """ # get information from the database context = super(ManualMenuView, self).get_context_data(**kwargs) # get the current user and related profile current_user = self.request.user profile = current_user.profile if profile: active_pallet = profile.active_pallet else: active_pallet = None # does user have active pallet? if so get info if active_pallet: new_target = None # pallet_rec = Pallet.objects.select_related().get( # id=profile.active_pallet) pallet_id = pallet_target = reverse_lazy( 'fpiweb:manual_pallet_status', args=[pallet_id] ) else: new_target = reverse_lazy('fpiweb:manual_pallet_new') pallet_target = None # load up the context for the template context['current_user'] = current_user context['user_profile'] = profile context['active_pallet'] = active_pallet context['new_target'] = new_target context['pallet_target'] = pallet_target return context
[docs]class ManualPalletMenuView(PermissionRequiredMixin, TemplateView): """ Menu of choices for manual pallet management. """ permission_required = ( 'fpiweb.view_pallet', ) template_name = 'fpiweb/manual_pallet_menu.html'
[docs] def get_context_data(self, **kwargs): """ Add User Information to Manual Menu page. :param kwargs: :return: """ # get information from the database context = super().get_context_data(**kwargs) # get the current user and related profile current_user = self.request.user profile = current_user.profile if profile and profile.active_pallet: active_pallet = profile.active_pallet pallet_boxes = PalletBox.objects.filter(pallet=active_pallet) box_set = list() for box in pallet_boxes: box_set.append(box) else: active_pallet = None box_set = None # does user have active pallet? if so get info if active_pallet: new_target = None # pallet_rec = Pallet.objects.select_related().get( # id=profile.active_pallet) pallet_id = pallet_target = reverse_lazy( 'fpiweb:manual_pallet_status', args=[pallet_id] ) else: new_target = reverse_lazy('fpiweb:manual_pallet_new') pallet_target = None # load up the context for the template context['current_user'] = current_user context['user_profile'] = profile context['active_pallet'] = active_pallet context['box_set'] = box_set context['new_target'] = new_target context['pallet_target'] = pallet_target return context
[docs]class ManualBoxMenuView(PermissionRequiredMixin, TemplateView): """ Menu of choices for manual individual box management. """ permission_required = ( 'fpiweb.view_box', ) template_name = 'fpiweb/manual_ind_box_menu.html'
[docs] def get_context_data(self, **kwargs): """ Add User Information to Manual Menu page. :param kwargs: :return: """ # get information from the database context = super().get_context_data(**kwargs) # get the current user and related profile current_user = self.request.user profile = current_user.profile # load up the context for the template context['current_user'] = current_user context['user_profile'] = profile return context
# class ManualNotification(LoginRequiredMixin, TemplateView): # """ # Ask a question or notify the user of something. # """ # template_name = 'fpiweb/manual_generic_notification.html' # # def get_context_data(self, **kwargs): # """ # Get info from reqest and populate context from it. # # :param kwargs: # :return: # """ # context = super(ManualNotification, self.get_context_data(**kwargs)) # request = context.get_request() # title = request.
[docs]class MANUAL_NOTICE_TYPE(Enum): """ Manual generic notice type. """ NOTICE:str = 'NOTICE' QUESTION:str = 'QUESTION'
[docs]def manual_generic_notification( request, note_type: MANUAL_NOTICE_TYPE, title: str = None, message_list: tuple = tuple(), action_message: str = '', yes_url: str = 'fpiweb:about', no_url: str = 'fpiweb:about', return_url: str = 'fpiweb:about', status: int = HTTPStatus.OK, ): """ Provide a generic notification screen for the manual box subsystem. :param request: request info from calling view :param note_type: type of notice (error or note) :param title: title to use for notification :param message_list: List of lines to display in notification :param action_message: final message or question :param yes_url: if question, url for yes action :param no_url: if question, url for no action :param return_url: if notice, url to go to after notification :param status: status code to flag notification if needed :return: """ # request simply passed on to render # template name set to fpiweb:manual_generic_notification # context: build contest for template context = dict() context['type'] = note_type context['title'] = title context['message_list'] = message_list context['action_message'] = action_message context['yes_url'] = yes_url context['no_url'] = no_url context['return_url'] = return_url # content_type: use response status from HTTPStatus template_info = render( request, 'fpiweb/manual_generic_notification.html', context=context, status=status, ) return template_info
[docs]class ManualPalletNew(LoginRequiredMixin, TemplateView): """ Establish a new pallet for this user. """ # use CreateView later model = Profile template_name = 'fpiweb/manual_pallet_add.html' context_object_name = 'manual_pallet' # success_url = reverse_lazy('fpiweb:manual_pallet_status')
[docs] def get_context_data(self, **kwargs): """ Add Site Information to About page. :param kwargs: :return: """ # get information from the database context = super(ManualPalletNew, self).get_context_data(**kwargs) current_user = self.request.user user_profile = Profile.objects.select_related().get( # check if new pallet or other status if user_profile.active_location_id: # check status ... else: # find new location ... # load up the context for the template context['current_user'] = current_user context['user_profile'] = user_profile return context
[docs] def get_success_url(self, **kwargs) -> URL: """ :param kwargs: :return: """ current_user = self.request.user user_profile = Profile.objects.select_related().get( pallet_rec = Pallet.objects.select_related().get( pallet_id = target = reverse_lazy('fpiweb:manual_pallet_status', args=[pallet_id]) return target
[docs]class ManualPalletStatus(PermissionRequiredMixin, ListView): """ Establish a new pallet for this user. """ permission_required = ( 'fpiweb.dummy_profile', ) model = Pallet template_name = 'fpiweb/manual_pallet_status.html' context_object_name = 'manual_pallet_status' success_url = reverse_lazy('fpiweb:manual_menu')
[docs] def get_(self, **kwargs): """ Add Site Information to About page. :param kwargs: :return: """ # get stuff from the request context = super().get_context_data(**kwargs) # get related stuff from the database current_user = self.request.user profile_rec = Profile.objects.get( if profile_rec.active_pallet: pallet_rec = Pallet.objects.select_related( 'location', 'location__loc_row', 'location__loc_bin', 'location__loc_tier', ).get(id=profile_rec.active_pallet) location_rec = pallet_rec.location loc_row_rec = location_rec.loc_row loc_bin_rec = location_rec.loc_bin loc_tier_rec = location_rec.loc_tier box_set = PalletBox.objects.filter('box_number') else: pallet_rec = None location_rec = None loc_row_rec = None loc_bin_rec = None loc_tier_rec = None box_set = None context['user'] = current_user context['profile'] = profile_rec context['active_pallet'] = pallet_rec context['location'] = location_rec context['loc_row'] = loc_row_rec context['loc_bin'] = loc_bin_rec context['loc_tier'] = loc_tier_rec context['box_set'] = box_set return context
[docs]class ManualPalletMoveView(PermissionRequiredMixin, View): permission_required = ( 'fpiweb.move_pallet', ) MODE_ENTER_FROM_LOCATION = 'enter from location' MODE_ENTER_TO_LOCATION = 'enter to location' MODE_CONFIRM_MERGE = 'confirm merge' MODE_COMPLETE = 'complete' FORM_PREFIX_FROM_LOCATION = 'from' FORM_PREFIX_TO_LOCATION = 'to' FORM_PREFIX_CONFIRM_MERGE = 'confirm_merge' template = 'fpiweb/manual_pallet_move.html'
[docs] def get(self, request): return self.build_response( request, self.MODE_ENTER_FROM_LOCATION, from_location_form=ExistingLocationWithBoxesForm( prefix=self.FORM_PREFIX_FROM_LOCATION, ) )
[docs] def post(self, request): mode = request.POST.get('mode') if not mode: return self.build_response( request, self.MODE_ENTER_FROM_LOCATION, from_location_form=ExistingLocationWithBoxesForm( prefix=self.FORM_PREFIX_FROM_LOCATION, ), errors=["Missing mode parameter"], status=HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST, ) if mode == self.MODE_ENTER_FROM_LOCATION: return self.post_from_location_form(request) if mode == self.MODE_ENTER_TO_LOCATION: return self.post_to_location_form(request) if mode == self.MODE_CONFIRM_MERGE: return self.post_confirm_merge_form(request) return error_page( request, f"Unrecognized mode {mode} in ManualPalletMoveView" )
[docs] def post_from_location_form(self, request): from_location_form = ExistingLocationWithBoxesForm( request.POST, prefix=self.FORM_PREFIX_FROM_LOCATION, ) if not from_location_form.is_valid(): return self.build_response( request, self.MODE_ENTER_FROM_LOCATION, from_location_form=from_location_form, status=HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST, ) from_location = from_location_form.cleaned_data.get('location') return self.show_to_location_form( request, from_location, )
[docs] def show_to_location_form(self, request, from_location): return self.build_response( request, self.MODE_ENTER_TO_LOCATION, to_location_form=MoveToLocationForm( prefix=self.FORM_PREFIX_TO_LOCATION, initial={ 'from_location': from_location, } ) )
[docs] def post_to_location_form(self, request): to_location_form = MoveToLocationForm( request.POST, prefix=self.FORM_PREFIX_TO_LOCATION, ) if not to_location_form.is_valid(): return self.build_response( request, self.MODE_ENTER_TO_LOCATION, to_location_form=to_location_form, status=HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST, ) from_location = to_location_form.cleaned_data['from_location'] to_location = to_location_form.cleaned_data['location'] boxes_at_to_location = \ Box.objects.filter(location=to_location).count() if boxes_at_to_location == 0: return self.move_boxes(request, from_location, to_location) return self.build_response( request, self.MODE_CONFIRM_MERGE, confirm_merge_form=ConfirmMergeForm( prefix=self.FORM_PREFIX_CONFIRM_MERGE, initial={ 'from_location': from_location, 'to_location': to_location, 'boxes_at_to_location': boxes_at_to_location, }, ), )
[docs] def post_confirm_merge_form(self, request): confirm_merge_form = ConfirmMergeForm( request.POST, prefix=self.FORM_PREFIX_CONFIRM_MERGE, ) if not confirm_merge_form.is_valid(): return self.build_response( request, self.MODE_CONFIRM_MERGE, confirm_merge_form=confirm_merge_form, status=HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST, ) from_location = \ confirm_merge_form.cleaned_data['from_location'] to_location = confirm_merge_form.cleaned_data['to_location'] action = confirm_merge_form.cleaned_data['action'] if action == ConfirmMergeForm.ACTION_CHANGE_LOCATION: # this method sets mode appropriately return self.show_to_location_form( request, from_location, ) return self.move_boxes(request, from_location, to_location)
[docs] @staticmethod def get_next_temp_name(): numbers = Pallet.objects.filter( name__startswith='temp' ).annotate( number=Substr('name', 5), ).values_list( 'number', flat=True, ) if not numbers: return 'temp1' max_number = 0 for n in numbers: try: n = int(n) except (TypeError, ValueError): continue if n > max_number: max_number = n return f"temp{max_number + 1}"
[docs] def move_boxes(self, request, from_location, to_location): pallet, box_count = self.get_pallet_and_box_count( from_location, to_location ) box_manager = BoxManagementClass() box_manager.pallet_finish(pallet) return self.build_response( request, self.MODE_COMPLETE, boxes_moved=box_count, to_location=to_location, )
[docs] @staticmethod def get_pallet_and_box_count(from_location, to_location): # Create temporary Pallet and PalletBox records in order to use # pallet_finish with transaction.atomic(): pallet = Pallet.objects.create( name=ManualPalletMoveView.get_next_temp_name(), location=to_location, pallet_status=Pallet.MOVE, ) boxes_to_move = Box.objects.filter(location=from_location) pallet_boxes = [] for box in boxes_to_move: pallet_box = PalletBox( pallet=pallet, box=box, product=box.product, exp_year=box.exp_year, exp_month_start=box.exp_month_start, exp_month_end=box.exp_month_end, ) pallet_boxes.append(pallet_box) PalletBox.objects.bulk_create(pallet_boxes) return pallet, len(pallet_boxes)
[docs] def build_response( self, request, mode, from_location_form=None, to_location_form=None, confirm_merge_form=None, boxes_moved=0, to_location=None, errors=None, status=HTTPStatus.OK): return render( request, self.template, { 'mode': mode, 'view_class': self.__class__, 'from_location_form': from_location_form, 'to_location_form': to_location_form, 'confirm_merge_form': confirm_merge_form, 'boxes_moved': boxes_moved, 'to_location': to_location, 'errors': errors or [], }, status=status, )
[docs]class ActivityDownloadView(PermissionRequiredMixin, View): permission_required = ( 'fpiweb.view_activity', ) date_format = '%m/%d/%Y'
[docs] class Echo: """An object that implements just the write method of the file-like interface. """
[docs] @staticmethod def write(value): """Write the value by returning it, instead of storing in a buffer.""" return value
[docs] def write_rows(self): yield [ 'Box Number', 'Box Type', 'Row', 'Bin', 'Tier', 'Product', 'Product Category', 'Date Filled', 'Date Consumed', 'Exp Year', 'Exp Month Start', 'Exp Month End', 'Quantity', 'Duration', 'Adjustment Code', ] for activity in Activity.objects.all(): date_filled = activity.date_filled if date_filled: date_filled = date_filled.strftime(self.date_format) else: date_filled = '' date_consumed = activity.date_consumed if date_consumed: date_consumed = date_consumed.strftime(self.date_format) else: date_consumed = '' row = [ activity.box_number, activity.box_type, activity.loc_row, activity.loc_bin, activity.loc_tier, activity.prod_name, activity.prod_cat_name, date_filled, date_consumed, activity.exp_year, activity.exp_month_start, activity.exp_month_end, activity.quantity, activity.duration, activity.adjustment_code, ] yield row
[docs] def get(self, request, *args, **kwargs): pseudo_buffer = self.Echo() writer = csv_writer(pseudo_buffer) response = StreamingHttpResponse( (writer.writerow(row) for row in self.write_rows()), content_type="text/csv" ) response['Content-Disposition'] = 'attachment; filename="activities.csv"' return response
[docs]class ManualBoxStatusView(PermissionRequiredMixin, View): permission_required = ( 'fpiweb.view_box', ) template_name = 'fpiweb/manual_box_status.html' MODE_ENTER_BOX_NUMBER = 'enter_box_number' MODE_CONFIRMATION = 'confirmation'
[docs] @staticmethod def build_context( *, mode, box_number_form=None, box=None, box_type=None, product_form=None, product=None, location_form=None, location=None, errors=None): return { 'mode': mode, 'box_number_form': box_number_form, 'box': box, 'box_type': box_type, 'product_form': product_form, 'product': product, 'location_form': location_form, 'location': location, 'view_class': ManualBoxStatusView, 'errors': errors, }
[docs] def get(self, request, *args, **kwargs): """ Prepare to display consume box number form for the first time. :param request: :param args: :param kwargs: :return: """ get_context = self.build_context( mode=self.MODE_ENTER_BOX_NUMBER, box_number_form=FilledBoxNumberForm(), ) return render(request, self.template_name, get_context)
[docs] def post_box_number(self, request): box_number_form = ExtantBoxNumberForm(request.POST) if not box_number_form.is_valid(): box_number_failed_context = self.build_context( mode=self.MODE_ENTER_BOX_NUMBER, box_number_form=box_number_form, errors=box_number_form.errors, ) return render( request, self.template_name, box_number_failed_context, status=HTTPStatus.NOT_FOUND, ) box_number = box_number_form.cleaned_data.get('box_number') # go get the final box info box = Box.objects.select_related( 'box_type', 'product', 'location', ).get(box_number=box_number) box_type = box.box_type product = box.product location = box.location # go get the final box info after any modifications return render( request, self.template_name, self.build_context( mode=self.MODE_CONFIRMATION, box=box, box_type=box_type, product=product, location=location, ), )
[docs] def post(self, request, *args, **kwargs): mode = request.POST.get('mode') if mode == self.MODE_ENTER_BOX_NUMBER: return self.post_box_number(request) print(f"Unrecognized mode '{mode}'") return render(request, self.template_name, {})
[docs]class ManualNewBoxView(PermissionRequiredMixin, View): permission_required = ( 'fpiweb.add_box', ) template_name = 'fpiweb/manual_new_box.html' MODE_ENTER_BOX_NUMBER = 'enter_box_number' MODE_CONFIRMATION = 'confirmation'
[docs] @staticmethod def build_context( *, mode, box_number_form=None, box=None, box_type=None, box_type_form=None, errors: Optional[list]=None): return { 'mode': mode, 'box_number_form': box_number_form, 'box': box, 'box_type': box_type, 'box_type_form': box_type_form, 'view_class': ManualNewBoxView, 'errors': errors, }
[docs] def get(self, request, *args, **kwargs): """ Prepare to display add new box number form for the first time. :param request: :param args: :param kwargs: :return: """ get_context = self.build_context( mode=self.MODE_ENTER_BOX_NUMBER, box_number_form=NewBoxNumberForm(), box_type_form=ExistingBoxTypeForm(), ) return render(request, self.template_name, get_context)
[docs] def post_box_number(self, request): box_number_form = NewBoxNumberForm(request.POST) box_type_form = ExistingBoxTypeForm(request.POST) if not box_number_form.is_valid(): box_number =['box_number'] box_number_failed_context = self.build_context( mode=self.MODE_ENTER_BOX_NUMBER, box_number_form=box_number_form, box_type_form=box_type_form, errors=[f"Box {box_number} already in inventory"], ) return render( request, self.template_name, box_number_failed_context, status=HTTPStatus.NOT_FOUND, ) box_number = box_number_form.cleaned_data.get('box_number') if not box_type_form.is_valid(): box_type_failed_context = self.build_context( mode=self.MODE_ENTER_BOX_NUMBER, box_number_form=box_number_form, box_type_form=box_type_form, ) return render( request, self.template_name, box_type_failed_context, status=HTTPStatus.NOT_FOUND, ) box_type = box_type_form.cleaned_data['box_type'] # add the box to inventory box_mgmt = BoxManagementClass() box = box_mgmt.box_new(box_number=box_number, box_type=box_type) # present the final box info return render( request, self.template_name, self.build_context( mode=self.MODE_CONFIRMATION, box=box, box_type=box_type, ), )
[docs] def post(self, request, *args, **kwargs): mode = request.POST.get('mode') if mode == self.MODE_ENTER_BOX_NUMBER: return self.post_box_number(request) print(f"Unrecognized mode '{mode}'") return render(request, self.template_name, {})
[docs]class ManualCheckinBoxView(PermissionRequiredMixin, View): """ Manually check a box into inventory. """ permission_required = ( 'fpiweb.check_in_box', ) template_name = 'fpiweb/manual_check_in_box.html' MODE_ENTER_BOX_INFO = 'enter_box_info' MODE_CONFIRMATION = 'confirmation'
[docs] @staticmethod def build_context( *, mode, box_number_form=None, box_number=None, box_form=None, box=None, product_form=None, product=None, location_form=None, location=None, exp_year_form=None, exp_year=None, exp_month_start_form=None, exp_month_start=None, exp_month_end_form=None, exp_month_end=None, errors: Optional[list]=None): return { 'mode': mode, 'box_number_form': box_number_form, 'box_number': box_number, 'box': box, 'product_form': product_form, 'product': product, 'location_form': location_form, 'location': location, 'exp_year_form': exp_year_form, 'exp_year': exp_year, 'exp_month_start_form': exp_month_start_form, 'exp_month_start': exp_month_start, 'exp_month_end_form': exp_month_end_form, 'exp_month_end': exp_month_end, 'view_class': ManualCheckinBoxView, 'errors': errors, }
[docs] def get(self, request, *args, **kwargs): get_context = self.build_context( mode=self.MODE_ENTER_BOX_INFO, box_number_form=EmptyBoxNumberForm(), product_form=ExistingProductForm(), location_form=ExistingLocationForm(), exp_year_form=ExpYearForm(), exp_month_start_form=ExpMoStartForm(), exp_month_end_form=ExpMoEndForm(), ) return render(request, self.template_name, get_context)
[docs] def post_box_info(self, request): """ Validate the posted information. :param request: container of initial or latest post :return: """ # initialize variables that will be filled in later box_number = None box = None product = None location = None exp_year = None exp_month_start = None exp_month_end = None # start by hoping everything is ok -- then validate status = HTTPStatus.OK error_msgs = list() # validate box number box_number_form = ExtantBoxNumberForm(request.POST) if not box_number_form.is_valid(): status = HTTPStatus.NOT_FOUND error_msgs.append(f'Invalid box number') else: box_number = box_number_form.cleaned_data.get('box_number') box = Box.objects.get(box_number=box_number) # Validate product product_form = ExistingProductForm(request.POST) if not product_form.is_valid(): status = HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST error_msgs.append('Missing product') else: product = product_form.cleaned_data.get('product') # validate location location_form = ExistingLocationForm(request.POST) if not location_form.is_valid(): status = HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST error_msgs.append('Missing location') else: location = location_form.cleaned_data.get('location') # validate expiration year exp_year_form = ExpYearForm(request.POST) if not exp_year_form.is_valid(): status = HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST error_msgs.append('invalid expiration year') exp_year = exp_year_form.cleaned_data.get('exp_year') # validate expiration months exp_month_start_form = ExpMoStartForm(request.POST) exp_month_end_form = ExpMoEndForm(request.POST) if (not exp_month_start_form.is_valid()) or \ (not exp_month_end_form.is_valid()): status = HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST error_msgs.append('invalid expiration month start') else: exp_month_start = exp_month_start_form.cleaned_data.get( 'exp_month_start') exp_month_end = exp_month_end_form.cleaned_data.get( 'exp_month_end') validation = validation_exp_months_bool( exp_month_start, exp_month_end ) if not validation.is_valid: status = HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST error_msgs = error_msgs + validation.error_msg_list # Was everything valid? If not, report it if status != HTTPStatus.OK: validation_failed_context = self.build_context( mode=self.MODE_ENTER_BOX_INFO, box_number_form=box_number_form, product_form=product_form, location_form=location_form, exp_year_form=exp_year_form, exp_month_start_form=exp_month_start_form, exp_month_end_form=exp_month_end_form, errors=error_msgs, ) return render( request, self.template_name, validation_failed_context, status=status ) # apply fill box to database box_mgmt = BoxManagementClass() try: box = box_mgmt.box_fill( box=box, location=location, product=product, exp_year=exp_year, exp_mo_start=exp_month_start, exp_mo_end=exp_month_end, ) except ProjectError as xcp: modify_box_failed_context = self.build_context( mode=self.MODE_ENTER_BOX_INFO, box_number_form=box_number_form, box=box, product_form=product_form, product=product, location_form=location_form, location=location, # exp_month_start_form=exp_month_start_form, # exp_month_start=exp_month_start, # exp_month_end_form=exp_month_end_form, # exp_month_end=exp_month_end, errors=[xcp], ) return render( request, self.template_name, modify_box_failed_context, status=HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST, ) # go get box info for the final display # box_form = BoxItem() filled_box = Box.objects.select_related( 'box_type', 'product', 'location', ).get( box_type = box.box_type product = box.product location = box.location return render( request, self.template_name, self.build_context( mode=self.MODE_CONFIRMATION, box=filled_box, product=product, location=location, exp_year=exp_year, exp_month_start=exp_month_start, exp_month_end=exp_month_end, errors=[], ), )
[docs] def post(self, request, *args, **kwargs): mode = request.POST.get('mode') if mode == self.MODE_ENTER_BOX_INFO: return self.post_box_info(request) print(f"Unrecognized mode '{mode}'") return render(request, self.template_name, {})
[docs]class ManualConsumeBoxView(PermissionRequiredMixin, View): permission_required = ( 'fpiweb.check_out_box', ) template_name = 'fpiweb/manual_check_out_box.html' MODE_ENTER_BOX_NUMBER = 'enter_box_number' MODE_CONSUME_BOX = 'consume_box' MODE_CONFIRMATION = 'confirmation'
[docs] @staticmethod def build_context( *, mode, box_number_form=None, box=None, box_type=None, product_form=None, product=None, location_form=None, location=None, errors: Optional[list]=None): return { 'mode': mode, 'box_number_form': box_number_form, 'box': box, 'box_type': box_type, 'product_form': product_form, 'product': product, 'location_form': location_form, 'location': location, 'view_class': ManualConsumeBoxView, 'errors': errors, }
[docs] def get(self, request, *args, **kwargs): """ Prepare to display consume box number form for the first time. :param request: :param args: :param kwargs: :return: """ get_context = self.build_context( mode=self.MODE_ENTER_BOX_NUMBER, box_number_form=FilledBoxNumberForm(), ) return render(request, self.template_name, get_context)
[docs] def post_box_number(self, request): box_number_form = FilledBoxNumberForm(request.POST) if not box_number_form.is_valid(): box_number_failed_context = self.build_context( mode=self.MODE_ENTER_BOX_NUMBER, box_number_form=box_number_form, errors=['Box number missing or box is empty'] ) return render( request, self.template_name, box_number_failed_context, status=HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST, ) box_number = box_number_form.cleaned_data.get('box_number') # go get the final box info filled_box = Box.objects.select_related( 'box_type', 'product', 'location', ).get(box_number=box_number) box_type = filled_box.box_type product = filled_box.product location = filled_box.location pre_consume_context = self.build_context( mode=self.MODE_CONSUME_BOX, box=filled_box, box_type=box_type, product=product, location=location, ) return render( request, self.template_name, pre_consume_context, )
[docs] def post_consume_box(self, request): box_pk = request.POST.get('box_pk') if not box_pk: box_failed_context = self.build_context( mode=self.MODE_ENTER_BOX_NUMBER, box_number_form=FilledBoxNumberForm(), errors=['Missing box_pk'] ), return render( request, self.template_name, box_failed_context, status=HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST, ) box = Box.objects.get(pk=box_pk) # apply box consumption to database box_mgmt = BoxManagementClass() box = box_mgmt.box_consume(box=box) # go get the final box info after any modifications empty_box = Box.objects.select_related( 'box_type', ).get( box_type = box.box_type return render( request, self.template_name, self.build_context( mode=self.MODE_CONFIRMATION, box=empty_box, box_type=box_type, ), )
[docs] def post(self, request, *args, **kwargs): mode = request.POST.get('mode') if mode == self.MODE_ENTER_BOX_NUMBER: return self.post_box_number(request) if mode == self.MODE_CONSUME_BOX: return self.post_consume_box(request) print(f"Unrecognized mode '{mode}'") return render(request, self.template_name, {})
[docs]class ManualMoveBoxView(PermissionRequiredMixin, View): permission_required = ( 'fpiweb.move_box', ) template_name = 'fpiweb/manual_move_box.html' MODE_ENTER_BOX_NUMBER = 'enter_box_number' MODE_ENTER_LOCATION = 'enter_location' MODE_CONFIRMATION = 'confirmation'
[docs] @staticmethod def build_context( *, mode, box_number_form=None, box=None, location_form=None, errors: Optional[list]=None): return { 'mode': mode, 'box_number_form': box_number_form, 'box': box, 'location_form': location_form, 'view_class': ManualMoveBoxView, 'errors': errors, }
[docs] def get(self, request, *args, **kwargs): context = self.build_context( mode=self.MODE_ENTER_BOX_NUMBER, box_number_form=FilledBoxNumberForm(), ) return render(request, self.template_name, context)
[docs] def post_box_number(self, request): box_number_form = FilledBoxNumberForm(request.POST) if not box_number_form.is_valid(): context = self.build_context( mode=self.MODE_ENTER_BOX_NUMBER, box_number_form=box_number_form, errors=['Box number invalid'] ) return render( request, self.template_name, context, status=HTTPStatus.NOT_FOUND, ) box_number = box_number_form.cleaned_data.get('box_number') boxes = Box.select_location( Box.objects.filter(box_number=box_number) ) return render( request, self.template_name, self.build_context( mode=self.MODE_ENTER_LOCATION, box=boxes.first(), location_form=ExistingLocationForm(), ) )
[docs] def post_location(self, request): box_pk = request.POST.get('box_pk') if not box_pk: return render( request, self.template_name, self.build_context( mode=self.MODE_ENTER_BOX_NUMBER, errors=['Missing box_pk'] ), status=HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST, ) try: box = Box.objects.get(pk=box_pk) except Box.DoesNotExist as dne: message = str(dne) logger.error(message) return render( request, self.template_name, self.build_context( mode=self.MODE_ENTER_BOX_NUMBER, errors=[message] ), status=HTTPStatus.NOT_FOUND, ) location_form = ExistingLocationForm(request.POST) if not location_form.is_valid(): return render( request, self.template_name, self.build_context( mode=self.MODE_ENTER_LOCATION, box=box, location_form=location_form, errors=['invalid or missing location'], ), status=HTTPStatus.NOT_FOUND ) location = location_form.cleaned_data.get('location') if not location: message = "Unable to retrieve location from form" logger.error(message) return render( request, self.template_name, self.build_context( mode=self.MODE_ENTER_LOCATION, box=box, location_form=location_form, errors=['invalid or missing location'], ), status=HTTPStatus.NOT_FOUND ) # apply location change to database box_mgmt = BoxManagementClass() box = box_mgmt.box_move( box=box, location=location ) return render( request, self.template_name, self.build_context( mode=self.MODE_CONFIRMATION, box=box, ), )
[docs] def post(self, request, *args, **kwargs): mode = request.POST.get('mode') if mode == self.MODE_ENTER_BOX_NUMBER: return self.post_box_number(request) if mode == self.MODE_ENTER_LOCATION: return self.post_location(request) print(f"Unrecognized mode '{mode}'") return render(request, self.template_name, {})
[docs]class PalletManagementView(PermissionRequiredMixin, View): """Select current pallet, add new pallet, delete pallet""" permission_required = ( 'fpiweb.dummy_profile', ) template_name = 'fpiweb/pallet_management.html'
[docs] @staticmethod def show_page( request, page_title='Pallet Management', show_delete=True, prompt=None, pallet_select_form=None, pallet_name_form=None, status_code=HTTPStatus.OK): context = { 'page_title': page_title, 'show_delete': show_delete, 'prompt': prompt, 'pallet_select_form': pallet_select_form or PalletSelectForm(), 'pallet_name_form': pallet_name_form or PalletNameForm(), } return render( request, PalletManagementView.template_name, context, status=status_code )
[docs] def get(self, request): return self.show_page(request)
[docs]class PalletSelectView(PermissionRequiredMixin, FormView): permission_required = ( 'fpiweb.dummy_profile', ) template_name = 'fpiweb/pallet_select.html' success_url = reverse_lazy('fpiweb:index') form_class = PalletSelectForm
[docs] def get_success_url(self): return self.success_url
[docs] def form_valid(self, form): # This method is called when valid form data has been POSTed. # It should return an HttpResponse. # form.send_email() pallet = form.cleaned_data['pallet'] # set default status pallet.pallet_status = Pallet.FILL user, profile = get_user_and_profile(self.request) profile.active_pallet = pallet return super().form_valid(form)