Source code for fpiweb.tests.test_support_box_and_activity

""" - Test handling activity records.
from datetime import timedelta, date
from typing import NamedTuple

from django.test import TransactionTestCase
from django.utils.timezone import now
from pytest import raises

from fpiweb.constants import \
    InvalidActionAttemptedError, \
from fpiweb.models import \
    Box, \
    Activity, \
    Location, \
    BoxType, \
    Product, \
    Pallet, \
    BoxNumber, \
from import BoxManagementClass

__author__ = 'Travis Risner'
__project__ = "Food-Pantry-Inventory"
__creation_date__ = "08/19/2019"

# "${}"

[docs]class PalletBoxInfo(NamedTuple): """ Holds an entry in the dictionary of pallet box info. """ pallet_box_id: int box_id: int box_number: str product: str exp_year: int
[docs]class BoxSupportTestCase(TransactionTestCase): """ test_support_activityClass - Test handling activity records. """ # identify and load data for these tests fixtures = [ 'Box', 'BoxType', 'Product', 'ProductCategory', 'LocRow', 'LocBin', 'LocTier', 'Location', 'Activity', 'Constraints', ] # 'User', 'UserGroups', 'Group', 'Profile',
[docs] @classmethod def setUpClass(cls) -> None: """ Prepare to test box creation and manipulation. :return: """ super().setUpClass() # add any additional setup needed here return
[docs] def test_box_new(self) -> None: """ Test adding a new box number to the inventory. :return: """ box_number = "BOX22222" bm = BoxManagementClass() # add a box with an invalid box type box_type_str = 'XXX' with raises(InvalidValueError): _ = bm.box_new(box_number=box_number, box_type=box_type_str) # add a box with a valid box type box_type_str = 'Evans' box_type = BoxType.objects.get(box_type_code=box_type_str) box = bm.box_new(box_number=box_number, box_type=box_type) assert box.box_number == box_number assert box.box_type == box_type assert box.location is None assert box.product is None assert box.exp_year is None assert box.exp_month_start is None assert box.exp_month_end is None assert box.date_filled is None assert box.quantity == box_type.box_type_qty # test attempting to create a duplicate box number with raises(InvalidActionAttemptedError): _ = bm.box_new(box_number=box_number, box_type=box_type_str) return
[docs] def test_box_fill(self) -> None: """ Test adding a box under various circumstances. :return: """ # arbitrary values (except box number) box_number = 'BOX22368' location = '0101A1' product = 'Corn' exp_year = 2022 exp_mo_start = 0 exp_mo_end = 0 date_time_filled = now() date_filled = # add a new box to the inventory system bm = BoxManagementClass() _ = bm.box_new(box_number=box_number, box_type=2) # get records for above box_rec = Box.objects.select_related('box_type', ).get( box_number=box_number) box_type_rec = box_rec.box_type location_rec = Location.objects.select_related( 'loc_row', 'loc_bin', 'loc_tier', ).get(loc_code=location) loc_row_rec = location_rec.loc_row loc_bin_rec = location_rec.loc_bin loc_tier_rec = location_rec.loc_tier product_rec = Product.objects.select_related('prod_cat', ).get( prod_name=product) prod_cat_rec = product_rec.prod_cat box_filled = bm.box_fill( box=box_rec, location=location_rec, product=product_rec, exp_year=exp_year, exp_mo_start=exp_mo_start, exp_mo_end=exp_mo_end ) assert box_filled.box_number == box_number assert box_filled.box_type == box_type_rec assert box_filled.location == location_rec assert box_filled.product == product_rec assert box_filled.exp_year == exp_year assert box_filled.exp_month_start == exp_mo_start assert box_filled.exp_month_end == exp_mo_end # assert that the difference in date filled is less than 5 seconds assert abs( box_filled.date_filled - date_time_filled).total_seconds() < 5 assert box_filled.quantity == box_type_rec.box_type_qty act_fill = Activity.objects.filter( box_number__exact=box_number, date_filled__exact=date_filled ).latest('-date_consumed') # NOTE - above ordering may be affected by the database provider assert act_fill.box_type == box_type_rec.box_type_code assert act_fill.loc_row == loc_row_rec.loc_row assert act_fill.loc_bin == loc_bin_rec.loc_bin assert act_fill.loc_tier == loc_tier_rec.loc_tier assert act_fill.prod_name == product_rec.prod_name assert act_fill.prod_cat_name == prod_cat_rec.prod_cat_name # assuming starting and ending transaction are not over midnight assert act_fill.date_filled == date_filled assert act_fill.date_consumed is None assert act_fill.exp_year == exp_year assert act_fill.exp_month_start == exp_mo_start assert act_fill.exp_month_end == exp_mo_end assert act_fill.quantity == box_type_rec.box_type_qty assert act_fill.duration == 0 assert act_fill.adjustment_code is None return
[docs] def test_box_move(self) -> None: """ Test moving a box under various circumstances. :return: """ # starting box and other info start_box_number = 'BOX64346' start_box_type_name = 'Banana' start_product_name = 'Corn' start_location_code = '0101A1' start_exp_year = 2022 start_exp_month_start = 0 start_exp_month_end = 0 # set up variables to track the ID's of various activity records arb_act_good_1_id = None arb_act_good_2_id = None arb_act_bad_1_id = None arb_act_bad_2_id = None arb_act_bad_3_id = None act_moved_id = None # target info target_location = '0409C2' # verify starting and target info bm = BoxManagementClass() box_number_found = Box.objects.filter( box_number=start_box_number).exists() assert box_number_found is False start_box_type = BoxType.objects.get(box_type_code=start_box_type_name) start_product = Product.objects.select_related( 'prod_cat', ).get(prod_name=start_product_name) start_prod_cat = start_product.prod_cat start_location = Location.objects.select_related( 'loc_row', 'loc_bin', 'loc_tier', ).get(loc_code=start_location_code) start_loc_row = start_location.loc_row start_loc_bin = start_location.loc_bin start_loc_tier = start_location.loc_tier # add a new box and fill it start_box_rec = bm.box_new( box_number=start_box_number, box_type=start_box_type ) _ = bm.box_fill( box=start_box_rec, location=start_location, product=start_product, exp_year=start_exp_year, exp_mo_start=start_exp_month_start, exp_mo_end=start_exp_month_end ) # get the box just created and filled box_rec = Box.objects.select_related( 'box_type', 'product', 'product__prod_cat', ).get(box_number=start_box_number) box_type_rec = box_rec.box_type product_rec = box_rec.product prod_cat_rec = product_rec.prod_cat date_time_filled = box_rec.date_filled date_filled = # get the location record and associates for the target location target_location = Location.objects.select_related( 'loc_row', 'loc_bin', 'loc_tier', ).get(loc_code=target_location) target_row = target_location.loc_row target_bin = target_location.loc_bin target_tier = target_location.loc_tier # move the box to a new location and check changes box_moved = bm.box_move(box_rec, target_location) assert box_moved.box_number == start_box_number assert box_moved.box_type == box_type_rec assert box_moved.location == target_location assert box_moved.product == product_rec assert box_moved.exp_year == start_exp_year assert box_moved.exp_month_start == start_exp_month_start assert box_moved.exp_month_end == start_exp_month_end assert box_moved.date_filled == date_time_filled assert box_moved.quantity == box_type_rec.box_type_qty # find the corresponding activity record act_moved = Activity.objects.filter( box_number__exact=start_box_number, date_filled__exact=date_filled, ).latest('-date_consumed') # save id for later use act_moved_id = # box number part of filter above assert act_moved.box_type == box_type_rec.box_type_code assert act_moved.loc_row == target_row.loc_row assert act_moved.loc_bin == target_bin.loc_bin assert act_moved.loc_tier == target_tier.loc_tier assert act_moved.prod_name == product_rec.prod_name assert act_moved.prod_cat_name == prod_cat_rec.prod_cat_name # date filled part of filter above assert act_moved.date_consumed is None assert act_moved.exp_year == start_exp_year assert act_moved.exp_month_start == start_exp_month_start assert act_moved.exp_month_end == start_exp_month_end assert act_moved.quantity == box_type_rec.box_type_qty assert act_moved.duration == 0 assert act_moved.adjustment_code is None # prepare some background data arb_product = Product.objects.select_related('prod_cat', ).filter( id__gt=5).first() arb_prod_cat = arb_product.prod_cat arb_location = Location.objects.select_related('loc_row', 'loc_bin', 'loc_tier', ).filter(id__gt=5).first() arb_loc_row = arb_location.loc_row arb_loc_bin = arb_location.loc_bin arb_loc_tier = arb_location.loc_tier arb_date_filled_1 = (now() - timedelta(days=5)).date() arb_date_consumed_1 = (now() - timedelta(days=1)).date() arb_exp_year_1 = now().year arb_exp_month_start_1 = 10 arb_exp_month_end_1 = 12 arb_date_filled_2 = (now() - timedelta(days=20)).date() arb_date_consumed_2 = (now() - timedelta(days=5)).date() arb_exp_year_2 = start_exp_year + 1 arb_exp_month_start_2 = 0 arb_exp_month_end_2 = 0 # make sure the arbitrary supporting records are different assert arb_product != start_product assert arb_location != start_location # now let's move the box again, but this time wrap some good data # and some crappy data around it so that the code has to work harder # add two activity records that should not be disturbed by the move # get arbitrary supporting records # first good record arb_act_good_1 = Activity.objects.create( box_number=start_box_number, box_type=start_box_type.box_type_code, loc_row=arb_loc_row.loc_row, loc_bin=arb_loc_bin.loc_bin, loc_tier=arb_loc_tier.loc_tier, prod_name=arb_product.prod_name, prod_cat_name=arb_prod_cat.prod_cat_name, date_filled=arb_date_filled_1, date_consumed=arb_date_consumed_1, exp_year=arb_exp_year_1, exp_month_start=arb_exp_month_start_1, exp_month_end=arb_exp_month_end_1, quantity=start_box_type.box_type_qty, duration=(arb_date_consumed_1 - arb_date_filled_1).days, adjustment_code='', ) arb_act_good_1_id = # second good record arb_act_good_2 = Activity.objects.create( box_number=start_box_number, box_type=start_box_type.box_type_code, loc_row=start_loc_row.loc_row, loc_bin=start_loc_bin.loc_bin, loc_tier=start_loc_tier.loc_tier, prod_cat_name=start_prod_cat.prod_cat_name, prod_name=start_product.prod_name, date_filled=arb_date_filled_2, date_consumed=arb_date_consumed_2, exp_year=arb_exp_year_2, exp_month_start=arb_exp_month_start_2, exp_month_end=arb_exp_month_end_2, quantity=start_box_type.box_type_qty, duration=(arb_date_consumed_2 - arb_date_filled_2).days, adjustment_code='', ) arb_act_good_2_id = # now add three more activity records that should get closed out by # the move # first bad record with different product and date filled arb_act_bad_1 = Activity.objects.create( box_number=start_box_number, box_type=start_box_type.box_type_code, loc_row=arb_loc_row.loc_row, loc_bin=arb_loc_bin.loc_bin, loc_tier=arb_loc_tier.loc_tier, prod_name=arb_product.prod_name, prod_cat_name=arb_prod_cat.prod_cat_name, date_filled=arb_date_filled_1, date_consumed=None, exp_year=arb_exp_year_1, exp_month_start=arb_exp_month_start_1, exp_month_end=arb_exp_month_end_1, quantity=start_box_type.box_type_qty, duration=0, adjustment_code='', ) arb_act_bad_1_id = # second bad record with same product and date filled in between # the other two bad records arb_act_bad_2 = Activity.objects.create( box_number=start_box_number, box_type=start_box_type.box_type_code, loc_row=arb_loc_row.loc_row, loc_bin=arb_loc_bin.loc_bin, loc_tier=arb_loc_tier.loc_tier, prod_name=product_rec.prod_name, prod_cat_name=prod_cat_rec.prod_cat_name, date_filled=date_filled, date_consumed=None, exp_year=start_exp_year, exp_month_start=start_exp_month_start, exp_month_end=start_exp_month_end, quantity=start_box_type.box_type_qty, duration=0, adjustment_code='', ) arb_act_bad_2_id = # third bad record with different product and date filled arb_act_bad_3 = Activity.objects.create( box_number=start_box_number, box_type=start_box_type.box_type_code, loc_row=arb_loc_row.loc_row, loc_bin=arb_loc_bin.loc_bin, loc_tier=arb_loc_tier.loc_tier, prod_name=arb_product.prod_name, prod_cat_name=arb_prod_cat.prod_cat_name, date_filled=arb_date_filled_2, date_consumed=None, exp_year=arb_exp_year_2, exp_month_start=arb_exp_month_start_2, exp_month_end=arb_exp_month_end_2, quantity=start_box_type.box_type_qty, duration=0, adjustment_code='', ) arb_act_bad_3_id = # move the box back to the starting location and check changes box_restored = bm.box_move(box=box_moved, location=start_location) assert box_restored.box_number == start_box_number assert box_restored.box_type == box_type_rec assert box_restored.location == start_location assert box_restored.product == product_rec assert box_restored.exp_year == start_exp_year assert box_restored.exp_month_start == start_exp_month_start assert box_restored.exp_month_end == start_exp_month_end assert box_restored.date_filled == date_time_filled assert box_restored.quantity == box_type_rec.box_type_qty # verify that the two good records are untouched # refetch them to be sure that we have fresh copies from the db arb_act_good_1 = Activity.objects.get(id=arb_act_good_1_id) arb_act_good_2 = Activity.objects.get(id=arb_act_good_2_id) # check good 1 out assert arb_act_good_1.box_number == start_box_number assert arb_act_good_1.box_type == start_box_type.box_type_code assert arb_act_good_1.loc_row == arb_loc_row.loc_row assert arb_act_good_1.loc_bin == arb_loc_bin.loc_bin assert arb_act_good_1.loc_tier == arb_loc_tier.loc_tier assert arb_act_good_1.prod_cat_name == arb_prod_cat.prod_cat_name assert arb_act_good_1.prod_name == arb_product.prod_name assert arb_act_good_1.date_filled == arb_date_filled_1 assert arb_act_good_1.date_consumed == arb_date_consumed_1 assert arb_act_good_1.exp_year == arb_exp_year_1 assert arb_act_good_1.exp_month_start == arb_exp_month_start_1 assert arb_act_good_1.exp_month_end == arb_exp_month_end_1 assert arb_act_good_1.quantity == start_box_type.box_type_qty assert arb_act_good_1.duration == (arb_date_consumed_1 - arb_date_filled_1).days assert arb_act_good_1.adjustment_code == '' # check good 2 out assert arb_act_good_2.box_number == start_box_number assert arb_act_good_2.box_type == start_box_type.box_type_code assert arb_act_good_2.loc_row == start_loc_row.loc_row assert arb_act_good_2.loc_bin == start_loc_bin.loc_bin assert arb_act_good_2.loc_tier == start_loc_tier.loc_tier assert arb_act_good_2.prod_cat_name == start_prod_cat.prod_cat_name assert arb_act_good_2.prod_name == start_product.prod_name assert arb_act_good_2.date_filled == arb_date_filled_2 assert arb_act_good_2.date_consumed == arb_date_consumed_2 assert arb_act_good_2.exp_year == arb_exp_year_2 assert arb_act_good_2.exp_month_start == arb_exp_month_start_2 assert arb_act_good_2.exp_month_end == arb_exp_month_end_2 assert arb_act_good_2.quantity == start_box_type.box_type_qty assert arb_act_good_2.duration == (arb_date_consumed_2 - arb_date_filled_2).days assert arb_act_good_2.adjustment_code == '' # verify that the three bad records are appropriately modified # refetch them to be sure that we have fresh copies from the db arb_act_bad_1 = Activity.objects.get(id=arb_act_bad_1_id) arb_act_bad_3 = Activity.objects.get(id=arb_act_bad_3_id) # test the two activity records that should obviously be closed # check bad 1 out assert arb_act_bad_1.box_number == start_box_number assert arb_act_bad_1.box_type == start_box_type.box_type_code assert arb_act_bad_1.loc_row == arb_loc_row.loc_row assert arb_act_bad_1.loc_bin == arb_loc_bin.loc_bin assert arb_act_bad_1.loc_tier == arb_loc_tier.loc_tier assert arb_act_bad_1.prod_name == arb_product.prod_name assert arb_act_bad_1.prod_cat_name == arb_prod_cat.prod_cat_name assert arb_act_bad_1.date_filled == arb_date_filled_1 assert arb_act_bad_1.date_consumed == now().date() assert arb_act_bad_1.exp_year == arb_exp_year_1 assert arb_act_bad_1.exp_month_start == arb_exp_month_start_1 assert arb_act_bad_1.exp_month_end == arb_exp_month_end_1 assert arb_act_bad_1.quantity == start_box_type.box_type_qty assert arb_act_bad_1.duration == ( now().date() - arb_date_filled_1).days assert arb_act_bad_1.adjustment_code == Activity.MOVE_CONSUMED # check bad 3 out assert arb_act_bad_3.box_number == start_box_number assert arb_act_bad_3.box_type == start_box_type.box_type_code assert arb_act_bad_3.loc_row == arb_loc_row.loc_row assert arb_act_bad_3.loc_bin == arb_loc_bin.loc_bin assert arb_act_bad_3.loc_tier == arb_loc_tier.loc_tier assert arb_act_bad_3.prod_cat_name == arb_prod_cat.prod_cat_name assert arb_act_bad_3.prod_name == arb_product.prod_name assert arb_act_bad_3.date_filled == arb_date_filled_2 assert arb_act_bad_3.date_consumed == now().date() assert arb_act_bad_3.exp_year == arb_exp_year_2 assert arb_act_bad_3.exp_month_start == arb_exp_month_start_2 assert arb_act_bad_3.exp_month_end == arb_exp_month_end_2 assert arb_act_bad_3.quantity == start_box_type.box_type_qty assert arb_act_bad_3.duration == ( now().date() - arb_date_filled_2).days assert arb_act_bad_3.adjustment_code == Activity.MOVE_CONSUMED # get fresh copies of the two closely matchng activity records # one will have been relocated, the other closed with adjustment test_1 = Activity.objects.get(id=act_moved_id) test_2 = Activity.objects.get(id=arb_act_bad_2_id) # now test both activity records - one will have been moved, # the other will be forced closed with an adjustment code. test_list = [test_1, test_2] tested_list = ['', ''] for act in test_list: # check identical stuff assert act.box_number == start_box_number assert act.box_type == box_type_rec.box_type_code assert act.prod_name == product_rec.prod_name assert act.prod_cat_name == prod_cat_rec.prod_cat_name assert act.date_filled == date_filled assert act.exp_year == start_exp_year assert act.exp_month_start == start_exp_month_start assert act.exp_month_end == start_exp_month_end assert act.quantity == box_type_rec.box_type_qty # check stuff that is different if act.date_consumed: tested_list[1] = 'closed' assert act.loc_row == arb_loc_row.loc_row assert act.loc_bin == arb_loc_bin.loc_bin assert act.loc_tier == arb_loc_tier.loc_tier assert act.date_consumed == now().date() assert act.duration == (now().date() - date_filled).days assert act.adjustment_code == Activity.MOVE_CONSUMED else: tested_list[0] = 'open' assert act.loc_row == start_loc_row.loc_row assert act.loc_bin == start_loc_bin.loc_bin assert act.loc_tier == start_loc_tier.loc_tier assert act.date_consumed is None assert act.duration == 0 assert act.adjustment_code is None # verify that we had one of each assert tested_list == ['open', 'closed'] return
[docs] def test_box_consume(self) -> None: """ Test consuming a box under various circumstances. :return: """ # box to consume box_number = 'BOX12321' bm = BoxManagementClass() # add a new box _ = bm.box_new(box_number=box_number, box_type=2) # fill the box just added to inventory location = '0101A1' product = 'Corn' exp_year = 2022 exp_mo_start = 0 exp_mo_end = 0 box_rec = Box.objects.get(box_number=box_number) location_rec = Location.objects.get(loc_code=location) product_rec = Product.objects.get(prod_name=product) _ = bm.box_fill( box=box_rec, location=location_rec, product=product_rec, exp_year=exp_year, exp_mo_start=exp_mo_start, exp_mo_end=exp_mo_end ) # get the box just filled box_rec = Box.objects.select_related( 'box_type', 'location', 'location__loc_row', 'location__loc_bin', 'location__loc_tier', 'product', 'product__prod_cat', ).get(box_number=box_number) box_type_rec = box_rec.box_type location_rec = box_rec.location loc_row_rec = location_rec.loc_row loc_bin_rec = location_rec.loc_bin loc_tier_rec = location_rec.loc_tier product_rec = box_rec.product prod_cat_rec = product_rec.prod_cat exp_year = box_rec.exp_year exp_mo_start = box_rec.exp_month_start exp_mo_end = box_rec.exp_month_end date_time_filled = box_rec.date_filled date_filled = duration_time = now() - date_time_filled duration_days = duration_time.days # consume the box bm = BoxManagementClass() box_empty = bm.box_consume(box_rec) assert box_empty.box_number == box_number assert box_empty.box_type == box_type_rec assert box_empty.location is None assert box_empty.product is None assert box_empty.exp_year is None assert box_empty.exp_month_start is None assert box_empty.exp_month_end is None assert box_empty.date_filled is None assert box_empty.quantity is None # get the corresponding activity record act_consumed = Activity.objects.filter( box_number__exact=box_number, date_filled__exact=date_filled, ).latest('-date_consumed') assert act_consumed.box_type == box_type_rec.box_type_code assert act_consumed.loc_row == loc_row_rec.loc_row assert act_consumed.loc_bin == loc_bin_rec.loc_bin assert act_consumed.loc_tier == loc_tier_rec.loc_tier assert act_consumed.prod_name == product_rec.prod_name assert act_consumed.prod_cat_name == prod_cat_rec.prod_cat_name assert act_consumed.date_consumed == now().date() assert act_consumed.exp_year == exp_year assert act_consumed.exp_month_start == exp_mo_start assert act_consumed.exp_month_end == exp_mo_end assert act_consumed.quantity == box_type_rec.box_type_qty assert act_consumed.duration == duration_days assert act_consumed.adjustment_code is None return
[docs] def test_pallet_finish(self) -> None: """ Test loading and finishing off a pallet. Build a new pallet, add some boxes to it, stash the pallet id, the pallet box ids, and the box ids associated with them. Then finish the pallet and make sure the pallet and all its pallet boxes have been deleted, while the boxes themselves have been preserved. Since we are going through the new and fill logic above, we are going to assume the activity records have been properly created. :return: """ # set some arbitrary values pallet_name = 'Hopefully this never matches !@#$%^&*()_+' location_code = '0409C2' box_type_code = 'Evans' starting_box_number = 98765 number_of_boxes = 40 ending_box_number = starting_box_number + number_of_boxes product_choices = 'Corn', 'Green Beans' exp_year_choices = (now().year + 1), (now().year + 2) # get corresponding records box_type_rec = BoxType.objects.get(box_type_code=box_type_code) product1 = Product.objects.get(prod_name=product_choices[0]) product2 = Product.objects.get(prod_name=product_choices[1]) product_rec_choices = product1, product2 bm = BoxManagementClass() # build the pallet location_rec = Location.objects.get(loc_code=location_code) pallet_rec = Pallet.objects.create( name=pallet_name, location=location_rec, pallet_status=Pallet.FILL, ) pallet_rec_id = # build table of values for later comparison pallet_box_info = dict() for ndx, box_number in enumerate( range(starting_box_number, ending_box_number)): ind = ndx % 2 box_name = BoxNumber.format_box_number(box_number) product = product_rec_choices[ind] exp_year = exp_year_choices[ind] box_rec = bm.box_new(box_number=box_name, box_type=box_type_rec) pallet_box_rec = PalletBox.objects.create( pallet=pallet_rec, box_number=box_name, box=box_rec, product=product, exp_year=exp_year, box_status=PalletBox.NEW ) pallet_box_info[box_number] = PalletBoxInfo(,, box_number=box_name, product=product, exp_year=exp_year) # finish (publish) the pallet bm.pallet_finish(pallet_rec) # validate that worked properly for entry in pallet_box_info: with raises(PalletBox.DoesNotExist): _ = PalletBox.objects.get( pk=pallet_box_info[entry].pallet_box_id ) box_rec = Box.objects.get(pk=pallet_box_info[entry].box_id) assert box_rec.box_number == pallet_box_info[entry].box_number assert box_rec.box_type == box_type_rec assert box_rec.location == location_rec assert box_rec.product == pallet_box_info[entry].product assert box_rec.exp_year == pallet_box_info[entry].exp_year assert box_rec.exp_month_start == 0 assert box_rec.exp_month_end == 0 filled_seconds_ago = (now() - box_rec.date_filled).total_seconds() assert filled_seconds_ago < 10 assert box_rec.quantity == box_type_rec.box_type_qty with raises(Pallet.DoesNotExist): _ = Pallet.objects.get(pk=pallet_rec_id) return
[docs] @classmethod def tearDownClass(cls) -> None: """ Testing done, discard testing data. :return: """ super().tearDownClass() return