Source code for fpiweb.forms

""" - provide validation of a forms.

from logging import \
    getLogger, \
    debug, \
from typing import \
    Union, \

from django import forms
from django.forms import \
    CharField, \
    Form, \
    ModelChoiceField, \
    PasswordInput, \
from django.shortcuts import get_object_or_404
from django.utils import timezone

from fpiweb.constants import \
    MONTHS, \
    InvalidValueError, \
    ValidOrErrorResponse, \
from fpiweb.models import \
    Box, \
    BoxNumber, \
    BoxType, \
    Constraints, \
    Location, \
    LocRow, \
    LocBin, \
    LocTier, \
    Pallet, \
    Product, \

__author__ = '(Multiple)'
__project__ = "Food-Pantry-Inventory"
__creation_date__ = "04/01/2019"
# "${}"

logger = getLogger('fpiweb')

[docs]def add_no_selection_choice(other_choices, dash_count=2): return [(None, '-' * dash_count)] + list(other_choices)
[docs]def month_choices(): list_with_zero_month: list = [(0, 'No Label')] + \ list([(str(nbr), name) for nbr, name in enumerate(MONTHS, 1)]) # print(f'{list_with_zero_month=}') return list_with_zero_month
[docs]def expire_year_choices(): current_year = CURRENT_YEAR years_ahead_list = Constraints.get_values( Constraints.FUTURE_EXP_YEAR_LIMIT ) years_ahead = years_ahead_list[0] for i in range(years_ahead + 1): value = str(current_year + i) yield value, value
[docs]def min_max_choices(constraint_name): min_value, max_value = Constraints.get_values(constraint_name) select_range = [str(i) for i in range(min_value, max_value + 1)] return list(zip(select_range, select_range))
[docs]def char_list_choices(constraint_name): values = Constraints.get_values(constraint_name) return list(zip(values, values))
[docs]def row_choices(): return add_no_selection_choice(min_max_choices('Row'))
[docs]def bin_choices(): return add_no_selection_choice(min_max_choices('Bin'))
[docs]def tier_choices(): return add_no_selection_choice(char_list_choices('Tier'))
[docs]def none_or_int(text: str) -> Optional[int]: """ Convert test to a valid integer or None. :param text: :return: """ if text is None or text.strip() == '': result = None elif text.isnumeric(): result = int(text) else: result = None return result
[docs]def none_or_str(text: str) -> Optional[str]: """ Convert text to non-empty string or None. :param text: :return: """ if text is None or text.strip() == '': result = None else: result = text return result
[docs]def none_or_list(text: str) -> Optional[list]: """ Convert text to list or None. :param text: :return: """ if text is None or text.strip() == '': result = None else: valid_list = True result = list() text_parts = text.split() for pos, part in enumerate(text_parts): element = part.strip() if element.endswith(','): value = element[:-1] elif pos + 1 == len(text_parts): value = element else: valid_list = False break if not value.isalnum(): valid_list = False break result.append(value) if not valid_list: result = None return result
[docs]def validate_int_list(char_list: list) -> bool: """ Verify that all values in the list are integers. :param text: :return: """ valid_int_list = True for element in char_list: if not element.isnumeric(): valid_int_list = False break return valid_int_list
[docs]def validate_exp_month_start_end( exp_month_start: Optional[int], exp_month_end: Optional[int] ) -> bool: """ Validate the start and end month, if given. :param exp_month_start: number 1-12 (integer or string) :param exp_month_end: number 1-12 (integer or string) :return: """ exp_month_start = 0 if exp_month_start is None else exp_month_start exp_month_end = 0 if exp_month_end is None else exp_month_end if exp_month_start == 0 and exp_month_end == 0 : return True error_msg = ( "If Exp {} month is specified, Exp {} month must also be specified" ) if exp_month_start != 0 and exp_month_end == 0: raise InvalidValueError(error_msg.format('start', 'end')) if exp_month_end != 0 and exp_month_start == 0: raise InvalidValueError(error_msg.format('end', 'start')) try: exp_month_start = int(exp_month_start) except (TypeError, ValueError): raise InvalidValueError( "Exp month start {} is not an integer".format( repr(exp_month_start), ) ) try: exp_month_end = int(exp_month_end) except (TypeError, ValueError): raise InvalidValueError( "Exp month end {} is not an integer".format( repr(exp_month_end) ) ) if exp_month_end < exp_month_start: raise InvalidValueError( 'Exp month end must be later than or equal to Exp month start' ) return True
[docs]def validation_exp_months_bool( exp_month_start: Optional[int], exp_month_end: Optional[int] ) -> ValidOrErrorResponse: """ Validate the expiration months returning only a boolean. .. note: This function can be removed if views.ManualCheckinBoxView can be made to trap exceptions properly. :param exp_month_start: :param exp_month_end: :return: True if valid, False if not """ validation = ValidOrErrorResponse() try: validate_exp_month_start_end(exp_month_start, exp_month_end) except ProjectError as xcp: error_msg = xcp.message validation.add_error(error_msg) return validation
[docs]def box_number_validator(value) -> None: if BoxNumber.validate(value): return raise ValidationError(f"{value} is not a valid Box Number")
[docs]class Html5DateInput(forms.DateInput): input_type = 'date'
[docs]class BoxNumberField(forms.CharField): def __init__(self, **kwargs): default_kwargs = { 'max_length': Box.box_number_max_length, 'min_length': Box.box_number_min_length, 'validators': [box_number_validator] } default_kwargs.update(kwargs) super().__init__(**default_kwargs)
[docs]class LogoutForm(Form): username = CharField( label='Username', max_length=100, )
[docs]class LoginForm(Form): username = CharField(label='Username', max_length=100, ) password = CharField(label='Password', max_length=100, widget=PasswordInput)
[docs]class LocRowForm(forms.ModelForm): """ Manage Loction row details with a generic form. """
[docs] class Meta: """ Additional info to help Django provide intelligent defaults. """ model = LocRow fields = ['id', 'loc_row', 'loc_row_descr', ]
loc_row = forms.CharField( help_text=LocRow.loc_row_help_text, required=True, )
[docs] @staticmethod def validate_loc_row_fields( loc_row_name: str, loc_row_descr: str, ): """ Validate the various location row record fields. :param loc_row_name: name of row :param loc_row_descr: description of row :return: True if valid """ max_len: int = LocRow.loc_row_max_length min_len: int = LocRow.loc_row_min_length if not loc_row_name or not (len(loc_row_name) > 0): raise ValidationError( 'The row must be specified' ) if (len(loc_row_name) <= max_len) \ and \ (len(loc_row_name) >= min_len) \ and \ (loc_row_name.isdigit()): ... else: raise ValidationError( 'A row must be two digits (with a leading zero if needed)' ) if not loc_row_descr or not (len(loc_row_descr) > 0): raise ValidationError( 'A description of this row must be provided' ) return
[docs] def clean(self): """ Clean and validate the data given for the constraint record. :return: """ cleaned_data = super().clean() loc_row_name = cleaned_data.get('loc_row') loc_row_descr = cleaned_data.get('loc_row_descr') self.validate_loc_row_fields(loc_row_name, loc_row_descr) return
[docs]class LocBinForm(forms.ModelForm): """ Manage Loction bin details with a generic form. """
[docs] class Meta: """ Additional info to help Django provide intelligent defaults. """ model = LocBin fields = ['id', 'loc_bin', 'loc_bin_descr', ]
loc_bin = forms.CharField( help_text=LocBin.loc_bin_help_text, required=True, )
[docs] @staticmethod def validate_loc_bin_fields( loc_bin_name: str, loc_bin_descr: str, ): """ Validate the various location bin record fields. :param loc_bin_name: name of bin :param loc_bin_descr: description of bin :return: True if valid """ max_len: int = LocBin.loc_bin_max_length min_len: int = LocBin.loc_bin_min_length # valid: bool = False if not loc_bin_name or not (len(loc_bin_name) > 0): raise ValidationError( 'The bin must be specified' ) if (len(loc_bin_name) <= max_len) \ and \ (len(loc_bin_name) >= min_len) \ and \ (loc_bin_name.isdigit()): ... else: raise ValidationError( 'A bin must be two digits (with a leading zero if needed)' ) if not loc_bin_descr or not (len(loc_bin_descr) > 0): raise ValidationError( 'A description of this bin must be provided' ) return
[docs] def clean(self): """ Clean and validate the data given for the bin record. :return: """ cleaned_data = super().clean() loc_bin_name = cleaned_data.get('loc_bin') loc_bin_descr = cleaned_data.get('loc_bin_descr') self.validate_loc_bin_fields(loc_bin_name, loc_bin_descr) return
[docs]class LocTierForm(forms.ModelForm): """ Manage Loction tier details with a generic form. """
[docs] class Meta: """ Additional info to help Django provide intelligent defaults. """ model = LocTier fields = ['id', 'loc_tier', 'loc_tier_descr', ]
loc_tier = forms.CharField( help_text=LocTier.loc_tier_help_text, required=True, )
[docs] @staticmethod def validate_loc_tier_fields( loc_tier_name: str, loc_tier_descr: str, ): """ Validate the various location tier record fields. :param loc_tier_name: name of tier :param loc_tier_descr: description of tier :return: True if valid """ max_len: int = LocTier.loc_tier_max_length min_len: int = LocTier.loc_tier_min_length if not loc_tier_name or not (len(loc_tier_name) > 0): raise ValidationError( 'The tier must be specified' ) if (len(loc_tier_name) <= max_len) \ and \ (len(loc_tier_name) >= min_len) \ and \ (loc_tier_name[0].isalpha())\ and \ (loc_tier_name[1].isdigit())\ : ... else: raise ValidationError( 'A tier must be a character followed by a digit' ) if not loc_tier_descr or not (len(loc_tier_descr) > 0): raise ValidationError( 'A description of this tier must be provided' ) return
[docs] def clean(self): """ Clean and validate the data given for the tier record. :return: """ cleaned_data = super().clean() loc_tier_name = cleaned_data.get('loc_tier') loc_tier_descr = cleaned_data.get('loc_tier_descr') self.validate_loc_tier_fields(loc_tier_name, loc_tier_descr) return
[docs]class ConstraintsForm(forms.ModelForm): """ Manage Constraint details with a generic form. """
[docs] class Meta: """ Additional info to help Django provide intelligent defaults. """ model = Constraints fields = ['id', 'constraint_name', 'constraint_descr', 'constraint_type', 'constraint_min', 'constraint_max', 'constraint_list']
constraint_type = forms.ChoiceField( choices=Constraints.CONSTRAINT_TYPE_CHOICES, help_text=Constraints.constraint_type_help_text, ) constraint_min = forms.CharField( required=False, help_text=Constraints.constraint_min_help_text, ) constraint_max = forms.CharField( required=False, help_text=Constraints.constraint_max_help_text, ) constraint_list = forms.CharField( required=False, help_text=Constraints.constraint_list_help_text, )
[docs] @staticmethod def validate_constraint_fields( con_name: str, con_descr: str, con_type: Constraints.CONSTRAINT_TYPE_CHOICES, con_min: Union[str, int], con_max: Union[str, int], con_list: str ): """ Validate the various constraint record fields. :param con_name: name of constraint :param con_type: type of constraint :param con_min: minimum value, if given :param con_max: maximum value, if given :param con_list: list of values, if given :return: """ max_val = none_or_str(con_max) min_val = none_or_str(con_min) list_val = none_or_list(con_list) valid: bool = False if not con_name or not (len(con_name) > 0): raise ValidationError('Constraint name must be specified') if not con_descr or not (len(con_descr) > 0): raise ValidationError( 'A description of this constraint must be provided' ) if con_type == Constraints.INT_RANGE: if max_val and min_val and (not list_val): max_int = none_or_int(max_val) min_int = none_or_int(min_val) if min_int and max_int and min_int < max_int: valid = True if not valid: raise ValidationError( 'Integer range requires that the min and max be integers ' 'and that max must be greater than min (and no list)' ) elif con_type == Constraints.CHAR_RANGE: if max_val and min_val and (not list_val): if min_val < max_val: valid = True if not valid: raise ValidationError( 'Character range requires that the min and max be ' 'characters and that max must be greater than min ' '(and no list)' ) elif con_type == Constraints.CHAR_LIST: if max_val or min_val or (not list_val): raise ValidationError( 'Character list requires that min and max be empty and ' 'that the list contain only alphanumeric characters ' 'separated with commas' ) elif con_type == Constraints.INT_LIST: if max_val or min_val or (not list_val): raise ValidationError( 'Integer list requires that min and max be empty and ' 'that the list contain only numbers separated with commas' ) return
[docs] def clean(self): """ Clean and validate the data given for the constraint record. :return: """ cleaned_data = super().clean() con_name = cleaned_data.get('constraint_name') con_descr = cleaned_data.get('constraint_descr') con_type = cleaned_data.get('constraint_type') con_min = cleaned_data.get('constraint_min') con_max = cleaned_data.get('constraint_max') con_list = cleaned_data.get('constraint_list') self.validate_constraint_fields( con_name, con_descr, con_type, con_min, con_max, con_list ) return
[docs]class NewBoxForm(forms.ModelForm):
[docs] class Meta: model = Box fields = [ 'box_number', 'box_type', ]
box_number = forms.CharField( max_length=Box.box_number_max_length, min_length=Box.box_number_min_length, required=False, disabled=True )
[docs] def save(self, commit=True): if self.instance and not if self.instance.box_type: box_type = self.instance.box_type self.instance.quantity = box_type.box_type_qty return super().save(commit=commit)
[docs]class FillBoxForm(forms.ModelForm):
[docs] class Meta: model = Box fields = [ 'product', 'exp_year', 'exp_month_start', 'exp_month_end', # 'date_filled', ]
# widgets = { # 'date_filled': Html5DateInput # } # product = forms.ModelChoiceField( # # ) exp_year = forms.TypedChoiceField( choices=expire_year_choices, coerce=int, help_text=Box.exp_year_help_text, ) exp_month_start = forms.TypedChoiceField( choices=month_choices, required=False, empty_value=None, coerce=none_or_int, help_text=Box.exp_month_start_help_text, ) exp_month_end = forms.TypedChoiceField( choices=month_choices, required=False, empty_value=None, coerce=none_or_int, help_text=Box.exp_month_end_help_text, )
[docs] def clean(self): """ Clean and validate the data in this box record. :return: """ cleaned_data = super().clean() exp_month_start = cleaned_data.get('exp_month_start') exp_month_end = cleaned_data.get('exp_month_end') self.validate_exp_month_start_end(exp_month_start, exp_month_end)
[docs]class BuildPalletForm(forms.ModelForm):
[docs] class Meta: model = Location fields = ( 'loc_row', 'loc_bin', 'loc_tier', )
[docs] def clean(self): cleaned_data = super().clean() # The values returned are LocRow, LocBin, and LocTier objects loc_row = cleaned_data['loc_row'] loc_bin = cleaned_data['loc_bin'] loc_tier = cleaned_data['loc_tier'] try: self.instance = Location.objects.get( loc_row=loc_row, loc_bin=loc_bin, loc_tier=loc_tier, ) except Location.DoesNotExist: raise forms.ValidationError( "Location row={} bin={} tier={} not found.".format( loc_row.loc_row, loc_bin.loc_bin, loc_tier.loc_tier, ) ) return cleaned_data
[docs]class BoxItemForm(forms.Form): """Form for the Box as it appears as part of a formset on the Build Pallet page""" # I've deliberately removed the ID field so that this form may # be used for either Box or PalletBox records. # This is a read only field. In the page a box number is displayed in # an input element with no name or id box_number = BoxNumberField( widget=forms.HiddenInput, ) product = forms.ModelChoiceField( Product.objects.all(), required=True, ) exp_year = forms.TypedChoiceField( choices=expire_year_choices, coerce=int, help_text=Box.exp_year_help_text, ) exp_month_start = forms.IntegerField( required=False, min_value=1, max_value=12, ) exp_month_end = forms.IntegerField( required=False, min_value=1, max_value=12, ) # clean method copied from FillBoxForm
[docs] def clean(self): cleaned_data = super().clean() exp_month_start = cleaned_data.get('exp_month_start') exp_month_end = cleaned_data.get('exp_month_end') validate_exp_month_start_end(exp_month_start, exp_month_end) return cleaned_data
[docs] @staticmethod def get_initial_from_box(box): """ :param box: Box or PalletBox record :return: """ return { 'box_number': box.box_number, }
[docs]class PrintLabelsForm(forms.Form): starting_number = forms.IntegerField() number_to_print = forms.IntegerField( initial=10, )
[docs]class BoxTypeForm(forms.Form): """A form to use whenever a box type selection is needed.""" box_type = forms.ModelChoiceField( queryset=BoxType.objects.all(), empty_label='Select a box type', )
[docs]class ExistingBoxTypeForm(BoxTypeForm): """A form to validate that the box type exists."""
[docs] def clean(self): """Validate the box type.""" cleaned_data = super().clean() box_type = cleaned_data.get('box_type') if not box_type: raise ValidationError( f'Box Type does not exist.' ) cleaned_data['box_type'] = box_type return cleaned_data
[docs]class ProductForm(forms.Form): """A form for use whenever you need to select a product.""" product = forms.ModelChoiceField( queryset=Product.objects.all(), empty_label='Select a product', )
[docs]class ExistingProductForm(ProductForm):
[docs] def clean(self): cleaned_data = super().clean() product = cleaned_data.get('product') if not product: raise ValidationError( f"Product does not exist." ) cleaned_data['product'] = product return cleaned_data
[docs]class LocationForm(forms.ModelForm): """A form for use whenever you need to select row, bin, and tier"""
[docs] class Meta: model = Location fields = ( 'loc_row', 'loc_bin', 'loc_tier', )
[docs]class ExistingLocationForm(LocationForm):
[docs] def clean(self): cleaned_data = super().clean() loc_row = cleaned_data.get('loc_row') loc_bin = cleaned_data.get('loc_bin') loc_tier = cleaned_data.get('loc_tier') if not all([loc_row, loc_bin, loc_tier]): # Location form will have already raised validation error return cleaned_data try: location = Location.objects.get( loc_row=loc_row, loc_bin=loc_bin, loc_tier=loc_tier, ) except Location.DoesNotExist: raise ValidationError( f"Location {loc_row.loc_row}, {loc_bin.loc_bin}, " f"{loc_tier.loc_tier} does not exist." ) except Location.MultipleObjectsReturned: raise ValidationError( f"Multiple {loc_row.loc_row}, {loc_bin.loc_bin}, " f"{loc_tier.loc_tier} locations found" ) cleaned_data['location'] = location return cleaned_data
[docs]class ExistingLocationWithBoxesForm(ExistingLocationForm):
[docs] def clean(self): cleaned_data = super().clean() location = cleaned_data.get('location') if not location: # If ExistingLocationform fails validation, Location will not be # in cleaned_data. ExistingLocationForm will have already raised # a ValidationError return cleaned_data if Box.objects.filter(location=location).exists(): return cleaned_data raise ValidationError( "Location {}, {}, {} doesn't have any boxes".format( location.loc_row.loc_row, location.loc_bin.loc_bin, location.loc_tier.loc_tier, ) )
[docs]class MoveToLocationForm(ExistingLocationForm): from_location = ModelChoiceField( queryset=Location.objects.all(), widget=forms.HiddenInput )
[docs]class ConfirmMergeForm(forms.Form): ACTION_CHANGE_LOCATION = 'C' ACTION_MERGE_PALLETS = 'M' ACTION_CHOICES = ( (ACTION_CHANGE_LOCATION, 'Change To Location'), (ACTION_MERGE_PALLETS, 'Merge Pallets'), ) from_location = ModelChoiceField( queryset=Location.objects.all(), widget=forms.HiddenInput, ) to_location = ModelChoiceField( queryset=Location.objects.all(), widget=forms.HiddenInput, ) boxes_at_to_location = forms.IntegerField( disabled=True, required=False, widget=forms.HiddenInput, ) action = forms.ChoiceField( choices=ACTION_CHOICES, )
[docs] def boxes_at_to_location_int(self): return self.initial.get('boxes_at_to_location', -1)
[docs] def to_location_str(self): field_name = 'to_location' location = self.initial.get(field_name) if not location: return f"{field_name} not found in initial" return "{}, {}, {}".format( location.loc_row.loc_row, location.loc_bin.loc_bin, location.loc_tier.loc_tier, )
[docs]class ExpYearForm(forms.Form): """A form for use whenever you need to select a year.""" exp_year = forms.TypedChoiceField( choices=expire_year_choices, coerce=int, help_text=Box.exp_year_help_text, )
[docs]class ExpMoStartForm(forms.Form): """A form for use whenever you need to select a starting month.""" valid_months = month_choices() exp_month_start = forms.TypedChoiceField( choices=valid_months, coerce=int, empty_value=valid_months[0][0], help_text=Box.exp_month_start_help_text, )
[docs]class ExpMoEndForm(forms.Form): """A form for use whenever you need to select an ending month.""" valid_months = month_choices() exp_month_end = forms.TypedChoiceField( choices=valid_months, coerce=int, empty_value=valid_months[0][0], help_text=Box.exp_month_end_help_text, )
[docs]class RelaxedBoxNumberField(forms.CharField): """ Define box nummber field that allows all numberics. Accepts box number with or without BOX prefix. Returns BoxNumber with BOX prefix and leading zeros """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): default_kwargs = { 'max_length': Box.box_number_max_length, } default_kwargs.update(kwargs) super().__init__(**default_kwargs)
[docs] def clean(self, value: str) -> str: value = super().clean(value) formal_box_number = 'BOX0000' raise_error = False if BoxNumber.validate(value): formal_box_number = value.upper() elif value.isdigit(): # Did the user just enter digit? Try and turn this # into a valid box number formal_box_number = BoxNumber.format_box_number(int(value)) if not BoxNumber.validate(formal_box_number): raise_error = True else: raise_error = True if raise_error: raise ValidationError( '%(value)s is not a valid box number', params={'value': value}, ) return formal_box_number
[docs]class NewBoxNumberField(RelaxedBoxNumberField): """ Add a new box number to the database. Checks whether there's a Box with the specified box number in the database. If a matching Box is not found, store the box number in the field's box attribute """
[docs] def clean(self, value): value = super().clean(value) if Box.objects.filter(box_number=value).exists(): raise ValidationError( f"Box number {value} already exists in the database.", ) return value
[docs]class NewBoxNumberForm(forms.Form): box_number = NewBoxNumberField( max_length=Box.box_number_max_length, )
[docs]class ExtantBoxNumberField(RelaxedBoxNumberField): """Checks whether there's a Box with the specified box number in the database. If a matching Box is found, this Box is stored in the field's box attribute"""
[docs] def clean(self, value): value = super().clean(value) if not Box.objects.filter(box_number=value).exists(): raise ValidationError( "Box number %(value)s is not present in the database.", params={'value': value}, ) return value
[docs]class ExtantBoxNumberForm(forms.Form): box_number = ExtantBoxNumberField( max_length=Box.box_number_max_length, )
[docs]class EmptyBoxNumberField(ExtantBoxNumberField): """Checks whether there's a Box with the specified box number in the database. If a matching Box is found, this Box is stored in the field's box attribute"""
[docs] def clean(self, value): value = super().clean(value) box = Box.objects.get(box_number=value) if box.product: raise ValidationError(f'Box number {value} is not empty.') return value
[docs]class EmptyBoxNumberForm(forms.Form): box_number = EmptyBoxNumberField( max_length=Box.box_number_max_length, )
[docs]class FilledBoxNumberField(ExtantBoxNumberField): """Checks whether there's a Box with the specified box number in the database. If a matching Box is found, this Box is stored in the field's box attribute"""
[docs] def clean(self, value): value = super().clean(value) box = Box.objects.get(box_number=value) if not box.product: raise ValidationError(f'Box number {value} is empty.') return value
[docs]class FilledBoxNumberForm(forms.Form): box_number = FilledBoxNumberField( max_length=Box.box_number_max_length, )
[docs]class PalletSelectForm(forms.Form): pallet = ModelChoiceField( queryset=Pallet.objects.order_by('name'), empty_label='Select a Pallet', )
[docs]class PalletNameForm(forms.ModelForm):
[docs] class Meta: model = Pallet fields = ('name',)
[docs]class HiddenPalletForm(forms.Form): pallet = ModelChoiceField( queryset=Pallet.objects.all(), widget=forms.HiddenInput, )