3.2. Box and Activity Summary

This food pantry inventory system tracks the food and other product in the warehouse by box. When a box has product in it, the system tracks what is in the box, where the box is located, and when the product in it will expire.

The system also tracks box activity. The activity information is designed to help the folks running the food pantry understand the flow of product through the pantry over time. This information can help them see the trends of their clients. They can anticipate when they are about to run low or when they have an excess of some product that another food pantry can use before it expires and has to be thrown away.

3.2.1. Box Summary

All boxes have a box type – which indicates an approximate quantity of product it might contain. All boxes have a QR code label with a unique identifier included for humans to read. The QR code can be easily read by devices such as smart phones, tablets and laptops with cameras.

A box may be either empty or full in the inventory system. Scanning the QR code or typing in the identifier into the appropriate web page will reveal the state of the box in the system.

A full box in the inventory system has information about what product is in it, where it is located, and when the product in it will expire. The expiration information may indicate the only the year it expires or may indicate a part of a year, such as a quarter or month. If a box is moved, the system is updated so finding the current location of any box is known.

An empty box will have nothing but the box type. The inventory system will have no product, location, or expiration information. However, the boxes are expected to be sufficiently durable that they can be used a number of times.

3.2.2. Activity Summary

When a box has product in it, the activity information will also have the product, approximate quantity, location and expiration information about that box. When a box is consumed (i. e. emptied) the activity information will be updated to indicate when it was consumed, how long the product was in the box, etc. When a box is used again, a new activity record will be created so the information about the previous contents is preserved.

3.2.3. Box Management

Ideally all boxes are handled correctly so this inventory system can accurately report the quantity and location of all products in it.

Alas, we all know that mistakes can be made. A box may get overlooked and not get checked in. A box may get moved without letting the inventory system know. A box may get emptied by someone who is unaware that there is an inventory system. The inventory system is tolerant of these foibles and tries to compensate rather than be rigid and require extra work.

The management of updating the database after user interaction has been isolated to two classes: BoxManagementClass and BoxActivityClass. These two classes should be the only code actually updating the database. Additional guidance is provided below in the section Pallet Management about how pallets of boxes are handled by this inventory system.

Box Management API Summary

The BoxManagementClass has five API’s or public methods that can be called to update the database with details about a box (or a pallet of boxes).

Individual Box API’s

For individual boxes the calls are:


Add a new box with a unique number to the inventory system. It will also have a predefined box type to indicate approximately how many items (cans, boxes, packages, etc.) are in the box.


Fill an individual box with a named product at a specified location with a specified expiration year (and possibly range of months).


Move a filled box from one location to another in the warehouse.


Empty a box (consume it’s contents) by putting the contents into QC or directly in the pantry.

Box Management API Details

The expected input, actions, and output of the box management API calls are shown below.


Add a new box with a unique box number to the inventory system.

Expected Input

A unique box number and a valid box type.


A box record will be added to the inventory with the supplied box type. All other fields in the box will be empty.


The new box record will be returned.


Add an individual box containing a named product at a specified location with a specified expiration year (and possibly range of months).

Expected Input

The unmodified box record and the information needed to update the box.


This API call will mark the indicated box with the contents, location and expiration indicated. It will also make the call to create the appropriate Activity record.


The modified box record will be returned.


Move a filled box from one location to another in the warehouse.

Expected Input

The unmodified box record and the target location.


This API call will change the location in the box record to the new location specified. It will also make the call to create the appropriate Activity record.


The modified box record will be returned.


Empty a box (consume it’s contents) by putting the contents into QC or directly in the pantry.

Expected Input

The unmodified box record.


This API call will make the call to create the appropriate Activity record. It will then clear all the product, location, and expiration fields in the box record.


The modified box record will be returned.

3.2.4. Pallet Management

Pallet management is designed to make dealing with pallets of boxes swift and easy. Rather than require strict conformance to some arbitrary rules in the inventory system, the system will accommodate variations to the typical scenarios. The scenarios below are not meant to be inclusive but are designed to show developers what might happen.

Pallet Management Scenarios

New Pallet Scenario

The user will start with an empty pallet and add newly filled boxes of product to it. When the pallet is full or there are no more newly filled boxes, a location is selected and (after scanning the QR codes and filling in the pallet box info) the pallet is placed in the new location.

Variation: The user decides to take similarly packed boxes from another pallet and add them to this pallet. The system will recognize that these boxes were originally somewhere else and will process them as a move.

Add to a Pallet Scenario

The user will pull a pallet out of the racks and add newly filled boxes to it. After scanning the QR codes and filling in the pallet box info for the boxes just added, the user puts the pallet back in the racks at the same location.

Variation 1: The user decides to take similarly packed boxes from another pallet and add them to this pallet. The system will recognize that these boxes were originally somewhere else and will process them as a move.

Variation 2: The user accidentally scans the QR code for a box that was already on the pallet. As long as the product and expiration information are the same, the system will ignore the entry.

Variation 3: The user decides to put the pallet in a different location. As long as all the boxes are scanned, when the finished pallet is processed (with the new location in the pallet record), all the pallet boxes that were originally on the pallet will be treated as a move to the new location.

Move a Pallet Scenaro

The user will choose the old location. The system will prepopulate the pallet boxes with all the boxes at the old location. The user will then designate the new location and the system will move the boxes indicated by the box pallet records accordingly.

Developer Suggestions

Perhaps a way of minimizing the amount of scanning by the user would be to either prepopulate the pallet boxes when a location with boxes is selected, or to have a button for the user to select to have the system prepopulate the pallet boxes on demand.

Another suggestion is that when a QR code is scanned for a box that is filled, to populate the pallet box with all the information from the box record.

Pallet Management API’s

The call for processing a pallet of boxes is:


If pallet status is “Fill”, this API will add the pallet of filled boxes to the specified location in the warehouse.

If pallet status is “Merge” it will merge two or more pallets and put the resulting pallet boxes at the specified location.

If the pallet status is “Move” it will move a pallet of filled boxes to a different location.

Note - at this time, there is no option to consume a whole pallet of filled boxes.

Pallet Management API Details

The expected input, actions, and output of the box management API calls are shown below.


Process a pallet of boxes and do the appropriate action to each box.

Expected Input

The pallet record with an appropriate pallet status in it. The pallet status will indicate if this is an addition of product to inventory (“FILL”), a move of a pallet of boxes from one location to another (“MOVE”), or a consolidation of boxes from various old locations to a new location (“MERGE”). The associated PalletBox records will have the product and expiration information, as well as an individual status that will guide this processing.


This API will walk through the PalletBox records associated with this Pallet. Each corresponding box will be modified as needed.

If the pallet box status is:


The existing box record is expected to be empty and is being filled with the information from the pallet box and pallet. The pallet box will be added to the system.

If the information from the ballet box and pallet record matches the box record already in inventory, there will be no change to the database.

If the product and expiration information is the same but the location is different, this action will be treated as a move.


The box information should have been copied into the pallet box record because other boxes are being added to the pallet at this location or that this entire pallet is being moved to a new location. If the only difference is the location, it will be treated as a move.

If the information from the ballet box and pallet record matches the box record already in inventory, there will be no change to the database.


This record will be treated the same way as if its status was “ORIGINAL”.


Nothing will be returned.

3.2.5. Activity Management

Box Activity API

The Box Activity API (BoxActivityClass) records information in the Activity table so that what is available can be readily discerned and that the flow of product through the facility can be determined.

Although it has three public methods, none of them should be called directly because the box management API’s will take care of calling the appropriate box activity API.

Box Activity API Details

The details for each Box Management API call are documented in the source code of the call.

BoxManagementClass see BoxManagementClass in fpiweb/support/BoxManagement.py.

BoxActivityClass see BoxActivityClass in fpiweb/support/BoxActivity.py.