Source code for fpiweb.tests.test_password_validation

from django.conf import settings
from django.contrib.auth.password_validation import \
    get_password_validators, \
from django.core.exceptions import ValidationError
from django.test import TestCase
from django.utils import timezone

from fpiweb.tests.utility import create_user

[docs]class PasswordValidationTest(TestCase):
[docs] @staticmethod def validate(password, user=None): password_validators = get_password_validators( settings.AUTH_PASSWORD_VALIDATORS, ) try: validate_password( password, user=user, password_validators=password_validators, ) except ValidationError as error: return error.messages else: return []
[docs] def test_password_validation(self): user = create_user( username='carol.smith', first_name='Carol', last_name='Smith', title='Ms.', ) self.assertIn( 'The password is too similar to the username.', self.validate('carol.smith', user), ) self.assertIn( 'This password is too short. It must contain at least 8 characters.', self.validate('aB3b8e'), ) self.assertIn( 'This password is too common.', self.validate('abcdefghi'), ) self.assertIn( 'This password is entirely numeric.', self.validate('198268756789'), ) self.assertIn( "Password contains the word 'warm'", self.validate('kdovupwarm') ) self.assertIn( "This password is too common.", self.validate("password"), ) current_time = timezone.localtime() if all([ current_time.hour == 23, current_time.minute == 59, current_time.second > 55, ]):"Too close to midnight to run this test") month_name = current_time.strftime('%B') month_abbreviation = current_time.strftime('%b') self.assertIn( "Password contains name of current month", self.validate(f'kdovup{month_abbreviation}') ) self.assertIn( "Password contains name of current month", self.validate(f'kdovup{month_abbreviation.lower()}') ) self.assertIn( "Password contains name of current month", self.validate(f'kdovup{month_name.lower()}') ) validator_name = "ShortPasswordValidator" validator_config = None for config in settings.AUTH_PASSWORD_VALIDATORS: if validator_name in config['NAME']: validator_config = config break self.assertIsNotNone( validator_config, f"{validator_name} not found in settings.AUTH_PASSWORD_VALIDATORS", ) length_threshold = validator_config.get( 'OPTIONS', {} ).get('length_threshold') self.assertTrue(length_threshold, 'length_threshold option not found') error_message = f"Passwords under {length_threshold} characters must " \ f"have: an uppercase character, a lowercase " \ f"character, and a digit" self.assertIn( error_message, self.validate("!@#$%^&*") )