Source code for fpiweb.password_validation

from django.core.exceptions import ValidationError
from django.utils import timezone

[docs]class WarmInPasswordValidator:
[docs] def validate(self, password, user=None): if 'warm' in password.lower(): raise ValidationError("Password contains the word 'warm'")
[docs] def get_help_text(self): return f"Your password cannot contain the word 'warm'"
[docs]class CurrentMonthInPasswordValidator:
[docs] def validate(self, password, user=None): current_time = timezone.localtime() month_name = current_time.strftime('%B').lower() month_abbreviation = current_time.strftime('%b').lower() password = password.lower() if month_name in password or month_abbreviation in password: raise ValidationError("Password contains name of current month")
[docs] def get_help_text(self): return f"Your password cannot contain the current month (either " \ f"spelled out or abbreviated)"
[docs]class ShortPasswordValidator: def __init__(self, length_threshold=12): self.length_threshold = length_threshold
[docs] def validate(self, password, user=None): if len(password) >= self.length_threshold: return has_upper_case = False has_lower_case = False has_digit = False for c in password: if not has_upper_case and c == c.upper(): has_upper_case = True if not has_lower_case and c == c.lower(): has_lower_case = True if not has_digit and c.isdigit(): has_digit = True if all([has_upper_case, has_lower_case, has_digit]): return raise ValidationError(self.get_help_text())
[docs] def get_help_text(self): return f"Passwords under {self.length_threshold} characters must " \ f"have: an uppercase character, a lowercase ""character, " \ "and a digit"