Source code for fpiweb.forms

""" - provide validation of a forms.
from enum import Enum
from logging import \
    getLogger, \
    debug, \
from typing import \
    Union, \
    Optional, \
    List, \
    Dict, \

from django import forms
from django.contrib.auth import get_user_model
from django.contrib.auth.forms import PasswordChangeForm
from django.contrib.auth.validators import UnicodeUsernameValidator
from django.forms import \
    IntegerField, \
    CharField, \
    Form, \
    ModelChoiceField, \
    PasswordInput, \
    ValidationError, \
    BooleanField, \
    ChoiceField, \
from django.shortcuts import get_object_or_404
from django.utils import timezone

from fpiweb.constants import \
    MONTHS, \
    InvalidValueError, \
    ValidOrErrorResponse, \
    ProjectError, \
    AccessLevel, \
    EnumForDjango, \
    AccessDict, \
    AccessGroupsAndFlags, \
from fpiweb.models import \
    Box, \
    BoxNumber, \
    BoxType, \
    Constraints, \
    Location, \
    LocRow, \
    LocBin, \
    LocTier, \
    Pallet, \
    Product, \
    ProductCategory, \
from import \

__author__ = '(Multiple)'
__project__ = "Food-Pantry-Inventory"
__creation_date__ = "04/01/2019"
# "${}"

logger = getLogger('fpiweb')

[docs]def add_no_selection_choice(other_choices, dash_count=2): return [(None, '-' * dash_count)] + list(other_choices)
[docs]def month_choices(): list_with_zero_month: list = [(0, 'No Label')] + \ list([(str(nbr), name) for nbr, name in enumerate(MONTHS, 1)]) # print(f'{list_with_zero_month=}') return list_with_zero_month
[docs]def expire_year_choices(): current_year = CURRENT_YEAR years_ahead_list = Constraints.get_values( Constraints.FUTURE_EXP_YEAR_LIMIT ) years_ahead = years_ahead_list[0] for i in range(years_ahead + 1): value = str(current_year + i) yield value, value
[docs]def min_max_choices(constraint_name): min_value, max_value = Constraints.get_values(constraint_name) select_range = [str(i) for i in range(min_value, max_value + 1)] return list(zip(select_range, select_range))
[docs]def char_list_choices(constraint_name): values = Constraints.get_values(constraint_name) return list(zip(values, values))
[docs]def row_choices(): return add_no_selection_choice(min_max_choices('Row'))
[docs]def bin_choices(): return add_no_selection_choice(min_max_choices('Bin'))
[docs]def tier_choices(): return add_no_selection_choice(char_list_choices('Tier'))
[docs]def none_or_int(text: str) -> Optional[int]: """ Convert test to a valid integer or None. :param text: :return: """ if text is None or text.strip() == '': result = None elif text.isnumeric(): result = int(text) else: result = None return result
[docs]def none_or_str(text: str) -> Optional[str]: """ Convert text to non-empty string or None. :param text: :return: """ if text is None or text.strip() == '': result = None else: result = text return result
[docs]def none_or_list(text: str) -> Optional[list]: """ Convert text to list or None. :param text: :return: """ if text is None or text.strip() == '': result = None else: valid_list = True result = list() text_parts = text.split() for pos, part in enumerate(text_parts): element = part.strip() if element.endswith(','): value = element[:-1] elif pos + 1 == len(text_parts): value = element else: valid_list = False break if not value.isalnum(): valid_list = False break result.append(value) if not valid_list: result = None return result
[docs]def validate_int_list(char_list: list) -> bool: """ Verify that all values in the list are integers. :param text: :return: """ valid_int_list = True for element in char_list: if not element.isnumeric(): valid_int_list = False break return valid_int_list
[docs]def validate_exp_month_start_end( exp_month_start: Optional[int], exp_month_end: Optional[int] ) -> bool: """ Validate the start and end month, if given. :param exp_month_start: number 1-12 (integer or string) :param exp_month_end: number 1-12 (integer or string) :return: """ exp_month_start = 0 if exp_month_start is None else exp_month_start exp_month_end = 0 if exp_month_end is None else exp_month_end if exp_month_start == 0 and exp_month_end == 0 : return True error_msg = ( "If Exp {} month is specified, Exp {} month must also be specified" ) if exp_month_start != 0 and exp_month_end == 0: raise InvalidValueError(error_msg.format('start', 'end')) if exp_month_end != 0 and exp_month_start == 0: raise InvalidValueError(error_msg.format('end', 'start')) try: exp_month_start = int(exp_month_start) except (TypeError, ValueError): raise InvalidValueError( "Exp month start {} is not an integer".format( repr(exp_month_start), ) ) try: exp_month_end = int(exp_month_end) except (TypeError, ValueError): raise InvalidValueError( "Exp month end {} is not an integer".format( repr(exp_month_end) ) ) if exp_month_end < exp_month_start: raise InvalidValueError( 'Exp month end must be later than or equal to Exp month start' ) return True
[docs]def validation_exp_months_bool( exp_month_start: Optional[int], exp_month_end: Optional[int] ) -> ValidOrErrorResponse: """ Validate the expiration months returning only a boolean. .. note: This function can be removed if views.ManualCheckinBoxView can be made to trap exceptions properly. :param exp_month_start: :param exp_month_end: :return: True if valid, False if not """ validation = ValidOrErrorResponse() try: validate_exp_month_start_end(exp_month_start, exp_month_end) except ProjectError as xcp: error_msg = xcp.message validation.add_error(error_msg) return validation
[docs]def box_number_validator(value) -> None: if BoxNumber.validate(value): return raise ValidationError(f"{value} is not a valid box number")
[docs]class Html5DateInput(forms.DateInput): input_type = 'date'
[docs]class BoxNumberField(forms.CharField): """Accepts box number with or without BOX prefix. Returns BoxNumber with BOX prefix and leading zeros""" def __init__(self, **kwargs): default_kwargs = { 'max_length': Box.box_number_max_length, 'min_length': Box.box_number_min_length, 'validators': [box_number_validator] } default_kwargs.update(kwargs) super().__init__(**default_kwargs)
[docs] def clean(self, value): value = super().clean(value) if BoxNumber.validate(value): return value.upper() # Did the user just enter digits? Try and turn this # into a valid box number try: value = int(value) except (TypeError, ValueError): raise ValidationError( '%(value)s is not a valid box number', params={'value': value}, ) return BoxNumber.format_box_number(value)
[docs]class LocRowForm(forms.ModelForm): """ Manage Location row details with a generic form. """
[docs] class Meta: """ Additional info to help Django provide intelligent defaults. """ model = LocRow fields = ['id', 'loc_row', 'loc_row_descr', ]
loc_row = forms.CharField( help_text=LocRow.loc_row_help_text, required=True, )
[docs] @staticmethod def validate_loc_row_fields( loc_row_name: str, loc_row_descr: str, ): """ Validate the various location row record fields. :param loc_row_name: name of row :param loc_row_descr: description of row :return: True if valid """ max_len: int = LocRow.loc_row_max_length min_len: int = LocRow.loc_row_min_length if not loc_row_name or not (len(loc_row_name) > 0): raise ValidationError( 'The row must be specified' ) if (len(loc_row_name) <= max_len) \ and \ (len(loc_row_name) >= min_len) \ and \ (loc_row_name.isdigit()): ... else: raise ValidationError( 'A row must be two digits (with a leading zero if needed)' ) if not loc_row_descr or not (len(loc_row_descr) > 0): raise ValidationError( 'A description of this row must be provided' ) return
[docs] def clean(self): """ Clean and validate the data given for the constraint record. :return: """ cleaned_data = super().clean() loc_row_name = cleaned_data.get('loc_row') loc_row_descr = cleaned_data.get('loc_row_descr') self.validate_loc_row_fields(loc_row_name, loc_row_descr) return
[docs]class LocBinForm(forms.ModelForm): """ Manage Location bin details with a generic form. """
[docs] class Meta: """ Additional info to help Django provide intelligent defaults. """ model = LocBin fields = ['id', 'loc_bin', 'loc_bin_descr', ]
loc_bin = forms.CharField( help_text=LocBin.loc_bin_help_text, required=True, )
[docs] @staticmethod def validate_loc_bin_fields( loc_bin_name: str, loc_bin_descr: str, ): """ Validate the various location bin record fields. :param loc_bin_name: name of bin :param loc_bin_descr: description of bin :return: True if valid """ max_len: int = LocBin.loc_bin_max_length min_len: int = LocBin.loc_bin_min_length # valid: bool = False if not loc_bin_name or not (len(loc_bin_name) > 0): raise ValidationError( 'The bin must be specified' ) if (len(loc_bin_name) <= max_len) \ and \ (len(loc_bin_name) >= min_len) \ and \ (loc_bin_name.isdigit()): ... else: raise ValidationError( 'A bin must be two digits (with a leading zero if needed)' ) if not loc_bin_descr or not (len(loc_bin_descr) > 0): raise ValidationError( 'A description of this bin must be provided' ) return
[docs] def clean(self): """ Clean and validate the data given for the bin record. :return: """ cleaned_data = super().clean() loc_bin_name = cleaned_data.get('loc_bin') loc_bin_descr = cleaned_data.get('loc_bin_descr') self.validate_loc_bin_fields(loc_bin_name, loc_bin_descr) return
[docs]class LocTierForm(forms.ModelForm): """ Manage Loction tier details with a generic form. """
[docs] class Meta: """ Additional info to help Django provide intelligent defaults. """ model = LocTier fields = ['id', 'loc_tier', 'loc_tier_descr', ]
loc_tier = forms.CharField( help_text=LocTier.loc_tier_help_text, required=True, )
[docs] @staticmethod def validate_loc_tier_fields( loc_tier_name: str, loc_tier_descr: str, ): """ Validate the various location tier record fields. :param loc_tier_name: name of tier :param loc_tier_descr: description of tier :return: True if valid """ max_len: int = LocTier.loc_tier_max_length min_len: int = LocTier.loc_tier_min_length if not loc_tier_name or not (len(loc_tier_name) > 0): raise ValidationError( 'The tier must be specified' ) if (len(loc_tier_name) <= max_len) \ and \ (len(loc_tier_name) >= min_len) \ and \ (loc_tier_name[0].isalpha())\ and \ (loc_tier_name[1].isdigit())\ : ... else: raise ValidationError( 'A tier must be a character followed by a digit' ) if not loc_tier_descr or not (len(loc_tier_descr) > 0): raise ValidationError( 'A description of this tier must be provided' ) return
[docs] def clean(self): """ Clean and validate the data given for the tier record. :return: """ cleaned_data = super().clean() loc_tier_name = cleaned_data.get('loc_tier') loc_tier_descr = cleaned_data.get('loc_tier_descr') self.validate_loc_tier_fields(loc_tier_name, loc_tier_descr) return
[docs]class ConstraintsForm(forms.ModelForm): """ Manage Constraint details with a generic form. """
[docs] class Meta: """ Additional info to help Django provide intelligent defaults. """ model = Constraints fields = ['id', 'constraint_name', 'constraint_descr', 'constraint_type', 'constraint_min', 'constraint_max', 'constraint_list']
constraint_type = forms.ChoiceField( choices=Constraints.CONSTRAINT_TYPE_CHOICES, help_text=Constraints.constraint_type_help_text, ) constraint_min = forms.CharField( required=False, help_text=Constraints.constraint_min_help_text, ) constraint_max = forms.CharField( required=False, help_text=Constraints.constraint_max_help_text, ) constraint_list = forms.CharField( required=False, help_text=Constraints.constraint_list_help_text, )
[docs] @staticmethod def validate_constraint_fields( con_name: str, con_descr: str, con_type: Constraints.CONSTRAINT_TYPE_CHOICES, con_min: Union[str, int], con_max: Union[str, int], con_list: str ): """ Validate the various constraint record fields. :param con_name: name of constraint :param con_descr: description of constraint :param con_type: type of constraint :param con_min: minimum value, if given :param con_max: maximum value, if given :param con_list: list of values, if given :return: """ max_val = none_or_str(con_max) min_val = none_or_str(con_min) list_val = none_or_list(con_list) valid: bool = False if not con_name or not (len(con_name) > 0): raise ValidationError('Constraint name must be specified') if not con_descr or not (len(con_descr) > 0): raise ValidationError( 'A description of this constraint must be provided' ) if con_type == Constraints.INT_RANGE: if max_val and min_val and (not list_val): max_int = none_or_int(max_val) min_int = none_or_int(min_val) if min_int and max_int and min_int < max_int: valid = True if not valid: raise ValidationError( 'Integer range requires that the min and max be integers ' 'and that max must be greater than min (and no list)' ) elif con_type == Constraints.CHAR_RANGE: if max_val and min_val and (not list_val): if min_val < max_val: valid = True if not valid: raise ValidationError( 'Character range requires that the min and max be ' 'characters and that max must be greater than min ' '(and no list)' ) elif con_type == Constraints.CHAR_LIST: if max_val or min_val or (not list_val): raise ValidationError( 'Character list requires that min and max be empty and ' 'that the list contain only alphanumeric characters ' 'separated with commas' ) elif con_type == Constraints.INT_LIST: if max_val or min_val or (not list_val): raise ValidationError( 'Integer list requires that min and max be empty and ' 'that the list contain only numbers separated with commas' ) return
[docs] def clean(self): """ Clean and validate the data given for the constraint record. :return: """ cleaned_data = super().clean() con_name = cleaned_data.get('constraint_name') con_descr = cleaned_data.get('constraint_descr') con_type = cleaned_data.get('constraint_type') con_min = cleaned_data.get('constraint_min') con_max = cleaned_data.get('constraint_max') con_list = cleaned_data.get('constraint_list') self.validate_constraint_fields( con_name, con_descr, con_type, con_min, con_max, con_list ) return
[docs]class NewBoxForm(forms.ModelForm):
[docs] class Meta: model = Box fields = [ 'box_number', 'box_type', ]
box_number = forms.CharField( max_length=Box.box_number_max_length, min_length=Box.box_number_min_length, required=False, disabled=True )
[docs] def save(self, commit=True): if self.instance and not if self.instance.box_type: box_type = self.instance.box_type self.instance.quantity = box_type.box_type_qty return super().save(commit=commit)
[docs]class FillBoxForm(forms.ModelForm):
[docs] class Meta: model = Box fields = [ 'product', 'exp_year', 'exp_month_start', 'exp_month_end', # 'date_filled', ]
# widgets = { # 'date_filled': Html5DateInput # } # product = forms.ModelChoiceField( # # ) exp_year = forms.TypedChoiceField( choices=expire_year_choices, coerce=int, help_text=Box.exp_year_help_text, ) exp_month_start = forms.TypedChoiceField( choices=month_choices, required=False, empty_value=None, coerce=none_or_int, help_text=Box.exp_month_start_help_text, ) exp_month_end = forms.TypedChoiceField( choices=month_choices, required=False, empty_value=None, coerce=none_or_int, help_text=Box.exp_month_end_help_text, )
[docs] def clean(self): """ Clean and validate the data in this box record. :return: """ cleaned_data = super().clean() exp_month_start = cleaned_data.get('exp_month_start') exp_month_end = cleaned_data.get('exp_month_end') self.validate_exp_month_start_end(exp_month_start, exp_month_end)
[docs]class BuildPalletForm(forms.ModelForm):
[docs] class Meta: model = Location fields = ( 'loc_row', 'loc_bin', 'loc_tier', )
[docs] def clean(self): cleaned_data = super().clean() # The values returned are LocRow, LocBin, and LocTier objects loc_row = cleaned_data['loc_row'] loc_bin = cleaned_data['loc_bin'] loc_tier = cleaned_data['loc_tier'] try: self.instance = Location.objects.get( loc_row=loc_row, loc_bin=loc_bin, loc_tier=loc_tier, ) except Location.DoesNotExist: raise forms.ValidationError( "Location row={} bin={} tier={} not found.".format( loc_row.loc_row, loc_bin.loc_bin, loc_tier.loc_tier, ) ) return cleaned_data
[docs]class BoxItemForm(forms.Form): """Form for the Box as it appears as part of a formset on the Build Pallet page""" # I've deliberately removed the ID field so that this form may # be used for either Box or PalletBox records. # This is a read only field. In the page a box number is displayed in # an input element with no name or id box_number = BoxNumberField( widget=forms.HiddenInput, ) product = forms.ModelChoiceField( Product.objects.all(), required=True, ) exp_year = forms.TypedChoiceField( choices=expire_year_choices, coerce=int, help_text=Box.exp_year_help_text, ) exp_month_start = forms.IntegerField( required=False, min_value=1, max_value=12, ) exp_month_end = forms.IntegerField( required=False, min_value=1, max_value=12, ) # clean method copied from FillBoxForm
[docs] def clean(self): cleaned_data = super().clean() exp_month_start = cleaned_data.get('exp_month_start') exp_month_end = cleaned_data.get('exp_month_end') validate_exp_month_start_end(exp_month_start, exp_month_end) return cleaned_data
[docs] @staticmethod def get_initial_from_box(box): """ :param box: Box or PalletBox record :return: """ return { 'box_number': box.box_number, }
[docs]class BoxTypeForm(forms.Form): """A form to use whenever a box type selection is needed.""" box_type = forms.ModelChoiceField( queryset=BoxType.objects.all(), empty_label='Select a box type', )
[docs]class ExistingBoxTypeForm(BoxTypeForm): """A form to validate that the box type exists."""
[docs] def clean(self): """Validate the box type.""" cleaned_data = super().clean() box_type = cleaned_data.get('box_type') if not box_type: raise ValidationError( f'Box Type does not exist.' ) cleaned_data['box_type'] = box_type return cleaned_data
[docs]class ProductForm(forms.Form): """A form for use whenever you need to select a product.""" product = forms.ModelChoiceField( queryset=Product.objects.all(), empty_label='Select a product', )
[docs]class ExistingProductForm(ProductForm):
[docs] def clean(self): cleaned_data = super().clean() product = cleaned_data.get('product') if not product: raise ValidationError( f"Product does not exist." ) cleaned_data['product'] = product return cleaned_data
[docs]class LocationForm(forms.ModelForm): """A form for use whenever you need to select row, bin, and tier"""
[docs] class Meta: model = Location fields = ( 'loc_row', 'loc_bin', 'loc_tier', )
[docs]class ExistingLocationForm(LocationForm):
[docs] def clean(self): cleaned_data = super().clean() loc_row = cleaned_data.get('loc_row') loc_bin = cleaned_data.get('loc_bin') loc_tier = cleaned_data.get('loc_tier') if not all([loc_row, loc_bin, loc_tier]): # Location form will have already raised validation error return cleaned_data try: location = Location.objects.get( loc_row=loc_row, loc_bin=loc_bin, loc_tier=loc_tier, ) except Location.DoesNotExist: raise ValidationError( f"Location {loc_row.loc_row}, {loc_bin.loc_bin}, " f"{loc_tier.loc_tier} does not exist." ) except Location.MultipleObjectsReturned: raise ValidationError( f"Multiple {loc_row.loc_row}, {loc_bin.loc_bin}, " f"{loc_tier.loc_tier} locations found" ) cleaned_data['location'] = location return cleaned_data
[docs]class ExistingLocationWithBoxesForm(ExistingLocationForm):
[docs] def clean(self): cleaned_data = super().clean() location = cleaned_data.get('location') if not location: # If ExistingLocationform fails validation, Location will not be # in cleaned_data. ExistingLocationForm will have already raised # a ValidationError return cleaned_data if Box.objects.filter(location=location).exists(): return cleaned_data raise ValidationError( "Location {}, {}, {} doesn't have any boxes".format( location.loc_row.loc_row, location.loc_bin.loc_bin, location.loc_tier.loc_tier, ) )
[docs]class MoveToLocationForm(ExistingLocationForm): from_location = ModelChoiceField( queryset=Location.objects.all(), widget=forms.HiddenInput )
[docs]class ConfirmMergeForm(forms.Form): ACTION_CHANGE_LOCATION = 'C' ACTION_MERGE_PALLETS = 'M' ACTION_CHOICES = ( (ACTION_CHANGE_LOCATION, 'Change To Location'), (ACTION_MERGE_PALLETS, 'Merge Pallets'), ) from_location = ModelChoiceField( queryset=Location.objects.all(), widget=forms.HiddenInput, ) to_location = ModelChoiceField( queryset=Location.objects.all(), widget=forms.HiddenInput, ) boxes_at_to_location = forms.IntegerField( disabled=True, required=False, widget=forms.HiddenInput, ) action = forms.ChoiceField( choices=ACTION_CHOICES, )
[docs] def boxes_at_to_location_int(self): return self.initial.get('boxes_at_to_location', -1)
[docs] def to_location_str(self): field_name = 'to_location' location = self.initial.get(field_name) if not location: return f"{field_name} not found in initial" return "{}, {}, {}".format( location.loc_row.loc_row, location.loc_bin.loc_bin, location.loc_tier.loc_tier, )
[docs]class ExpYearForm(forms.Form): """A form for use whenever you need to select a year.""" exp_year = forms.TypedChoiceField( choices=expire_year_choices, coerce=int, help_text=Box.exp_year_help_text, )
[docs]class ExpMoStartForm(forms.Form): """A form for use whenever you need to select a starting month.""" valid_months = month_choices() exp_month_start = forms.TypedChoiceField( choices=valid_months, coerce=int, empty_value=valid_months[0][0], help_text=Box.exp_month_start_help_text, )
[docs]class ExpMoEndForm(forms.Form): """A form for use whenever you need to select an ending month.""" valid_months = month_choices() exp_month_end = forms.TypedChoiceField( choices=valid_months, coerce=int, empty_value=valid_months[0][0], help_text=Box.exp_month_end_help_text, )
[docs]class RelaxedBoxNumberField(forms.CharField): """ Define box nummber field that allows all numberics. Accepts box number with or without BOX prefix. Returns BoxNumber with BOX prefix and leading zeros """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): default_kwargs = { 'max_length': Box.box_number_max_length, } default_kwargs.update(kwargs) super().__init__(**default_kwargs)
[docs] def clean(self, value: str) -> str: value = super().clean(value) formal_box_number = 'BOX0000' raise_error = False if BoxNumber.validate(value): formal_box_number = value.upper() elif value.isdigit(): # Did the user just enter digit? Try and turn this # into a valid box number formal_box_number = BoxNumber.format_box_number(int(value)) if not BoxNumber.validate(formal_box_number): raise_error = True else: raise_error = True if raise_error: raise ValidationError( '%(value)s is not a valid box number', params={'value': value}, ) return formal_box_number
[docs]class NewBoxNumberField(RelaxedBoxNumberField): """ Add a new box number to the database. Checks whether there's a Box with the specified box number in the database. If a matching Box is not found, store the box number in the field's box attribute """
[docs] def clean(self, value): value = super().clean(value) if Box.objects.filter(box_number=value).exists(): raise ValidationError( f"Box number {value} already exists in the database.", ) return value
[docs]class NewBoxNumberForm(forms.Form): box_number = NewBoxNumberField( max_length=Box.box_number_max_length, )
[docs]class ExtantBoxNumberField(RelaxedBoxNumberField): """Checks whether there's a Box with the specified box number in the database. If a matching Box is found, this Box is stored in the field's box attribute"""
[docs] def clean(self, value): value = super().clean(value) if not Box.objects.filter(box_number=value).exists(): raise ValidationError( "Box number %(value)s is not present in the database.", params={'value': value}, ) return value
[docs]class ExtantBoxNumberForm(forms.Form): box_number = ExtantBoxNumberField( max_length=Box.box_number_max_length, )
[docs]class EmptyBoxNumberField(ExtantBoxNumberField): """Checks whether there's a Box with the specified box number in the database. If a matching Box is found, this Box is stored in the field's box attribute"""
[docs] def clean(self, value): value = super().clean(value) box = Box.objects.get(box_number=value) if box.product: raise ValidationError(f'Box number {value} is not empty.') return value
[docs]class EmptyBoxNumberForm(forms.Form): box_number = EmptyBoxNumberField( max_length=Box.box_number_max_length, )
[docs]class FilledBoxNumberField(ExtantBoxNumberField): """Checks whether there's a Box with the specified box number in the database. If a matching Box is found, this Box is stored in the field's box attribute"""
[docs] def clean(self, value): value = super().clean(value) box = Box.objects.get(box_number=value) if not box.product: raise ValidationError(f'Box number {value} is empty.') return value
[docs]class FilledBoxNumberForm(forms.Form): box_number = FilledBoxNumberField( max_length=Box.box_number_max_length, )
[docs]class PalletSelectForm(forms.Form): pallet = ModelChoiceField( queryset=Pallet.objects.order_by('name'), empty_label='Select a Pallet', )
[docs]class PalletNameForm(forms.ModelForm):
[docs] class Meta: model = Pallet fields = ('name',)
[docs]class HiddenPalletForm(forms.Form): pallet = ModelChoiceField( queryset=Pallet.objects.all(), widget=forms.HiddenInput, )
[docs]@EnumForDjango class UserInfoModes(Enum): """ Mode identifiers used in both UserInfoForm and in multiple views. These modes are used throughout the user management processing in an attempt to minimize code duplication. They are defined here (rather than in the views) to eliminate circular references. """ MODE_SHOW_USERS: str = 'show users' MODE_ADD_USER: str = 'add user' MODE_UPDATE_USER: str = 'update user' MODE_CONFIRM: str = 'confirm action' def __str__(self): """ Display the information about the instance. :return: """ display = f'{}({self.value})' return display
[docs]def NormalizeEmail(email): """ Normalize an email address. Django normalizes by lower-casing the domain portion of the address. :param email: :return: """ # TODO Jun 16 2020 travis - code normalization raw_email = email final_email = raw_email return final_email
[docs]class UserInfoForm(forms.Form): """ Define all the fields and modes needed to add or edit a user """
[docs] class Meta: fields = [ 'userid', 'username', 'force_password', 'first_name', 'last_name', 'email', 'title', 'access_level', 'is_active', ]
# # # # # # # # # # # # Choice Definitions # # # # # # # # # # # LEVEL_CHOICES = list() for level in AccessLevel: level_entry =, LEVEL_CHOICES.append(level_entry) # # # # # # Fields # # # # # # userid = IntegerField(label='Key',required=False) username = CharField(label='Username', min_length=3, max_length=150, validators=[UnicodeUsernameValidator]) force_password = BooleanField( label='Force Password Change on Next Login?', required=False, initial=True, ) first_name = CharField(label='First Name', min_length=3, max_length=30, required=True) last_name = CharField(label='Last Name', min_length=3, max_length=150, required=True) email = EmailField( label='Email Address', max_length=254, required=True, initial='', error_messages={ 'invalid': 'You can use "" instead of your real email, ' 'but you will not be able to reset your password', 'required': 'You can use "" instead of your real email, ' 'but you will not be able to reset your password' }, ) title = CharField(label='Title', max_length=30, required=True) access_level = ChoiceField( choices=LEVEL_CHOICES, label='Permission Level?', initial=AccessLevel.No_Access, required=True ) is_active = BooleanField( required=False, label='Active?', initial=True, ) def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) # prepare to interact with user info in db = ManageUserPermissions() return
[docs] def clean_username(self): """ ensure that the username does not contain screwball characters """ init_un = self.cleaned_data['username'] # the value returned here is the full string of the enum member mode =['mode'] # validate this username norm_un = get_user_model().normalize_username(init_un) if init_un != norm_un: self.add_error( 'username', f'User name contains strange characters, change to ' f'{norm_un} or pick some other user name', ) final_un = init_un return final_un
# def clean_password(self): # init_pwd = self.cleaned_data['userpswd'] # # validate later in clean() # final_pwd = init_pwd # return final_pwd # def clean_confirm_pwd(self): # init_conf_pwd = self.cleaned_data['confirm_pwd'] # # validate later in clean() # final_conf_pwd = init_conf_pwd # return final_conf_pwd
[docs] def clean_force_password(self): init_force_pwd = self.cleaned_data['force_password'] # validate ... final_force_pwd = init_force_pwd return final_force_pwd
[docs] def clean_first_name(self): init_fn = self.cleaned_data['first_name'] # validate ... final_fn = init_fn return final_fn
[docs] def clean_last_name(self): init_ln = self.cleaned_data['last_name'] # validate ... final_ln = init_ln return final_ln
[docs] def clean_email(self): init_email = self.cleaned_data['email'] # validate this email norm_email = NormalizeEmail(init_email) if init_email != norm_email: self.add_error( 'email', f'Email contains strange characters, change to ' f'{norm_email}', ) final_email = init_email return final_email
[docs] def clean_title(self): init_title = self.cleaned_data['title'] # validate ... final_title = init_title return final_title
[docs] def clean_access_level(self): init_acc_lvl = self.cleaned_data['access_level'] # validate access: AccessGroupsAndFlags = AccessDict.get(init_acc_lvl, None) if not access or access == AccessDict[AccessLevel.No_Access]: self.add_error( 'access_level', 'Please choose a useful access level. E.g. is this a ' 'volunteer?' ) final_acc_lvl = AccessLevel.Volunteer else: final_acc_lvl = access.access_level return final_acc_lvl
[docs] def clean_is_active(self): init_is_act = self.cleaned_data['is_active'] # validate ... final_is_act = init_is_act return final_is_act
# def clean_is_superuser(self): # init_is_su = self.cleaned_data['is_superuser'] # # validate # ... # final_is_su = init_is_su # return final_is_su
[docs] def clean(self): """ Validate the consistency across firlds. :return: """ cleaned_data = super().clean() # extract user, mode, and id of target user parm_dict = user_id = parm_dict['userid'] this_user_info = mode_str = parm_dict['mode'] if mode_str == str(UserInfoModes.MODE_ADD_USER): mode = UserInfoModes.MODE_ADD_USER elif mode_str == str(UserInfoModes.MODE_UPDATE_USER): mode = UserInfoModes.MODE_UPDATE_USER else: raise InternalError( f'Invalid mode of {mode_str} found in clean UserInfoForm' ) key_str = parm_dict['key'] if key_str == 'None': target_user_info = None else: key = int(key_str) target_user_info = # check mode vs. vs existance/nonexistance of user or username username = cleaned_data.get('username') if mode == UserInfoModes.MODE_ADD_USER: try: other_user = get_user_model().objects.get(username=username) if other_user: self.add_error( 'username', 'Username taken, please pick a different username' ) except get_user_model().DoesNotExist: pass elif mode == UserInfoModes.MODE_UPDATE_USER: if not target_user_info: self.add_error( 'username', 'Username not found, please pick an existing username' ) else: self.add_error( None, f'Internal Error: Invalid mode {mode_str} for ' f'{username} at clean_username', ) # check that both password fields match and password is valid # pwd = cleaned_data.get('userpswd') # conf_pwd = cleaned_data.get('confirm_pwd') # if pwd != conf_pwd: # msg = 'The password and the confirm password fields must match' # self.add_error('userpswd', msg) # self.add_error('confirm_pwd', msg) # else: # # validate password # username = cleaned_data.get('username') # email = cleaned_data.get('email') # user_model = get_user_model() # # user = user_model.objects.create_user( # # username=username, password=pwd, email=email, # # ) # # validators will raise ValidationError if problem found # # validate_password(pwd, user=user) # Check access level for this users vs. target user this_user_assess = this_user_info.highest_access_level attempted_access = cleaned_data['access_level'] if (this_user_assess == AccessLevel.Admin or (this_user_assess == AccessLevel.Staff and attempted_access <= AccessLevel.Staff)): pass else: self.add_error( 'access_level', f'You are not authoerized to set the target user to ' f'{attempted_access}. Please choose another access level.' ) # TODO Jul 08 2020 travis - do remaining cross field validation return
[docs]class ProductCategoryForm(forms.ModelForm): """ Manage Product Category details with a generic form. """
[docs] class Meta: """ Additional info to help Django provide intelligent defaults. """ model = ProductCategory fields = ['id', 'prod_cat_name', 'prod_cat_descr', ]
# following along from LocRowForm help text in models.ProductCatagory # additional help text for id and prod_cat_descr # not sure how its used yet prod_cat_name = forms.CharField( help_text=ProductCategory.prod_cat_name_help_text, required=True, )
[docs] @staticmethod def validate_prod_cat_fields( prod_cat_name: str, prod_cat_descr: str, ): """ Validate the various product category record fields. :param prod_cat_name: name of product catagory :param prod_cat_descr: description of product description :return: True if valid """ max_len: int = ProductCategory.prod_cat_name_max_length min_len: int = 1 # did not see min_length in ProductCategory if not prod_cat_name or not (len(prod_cat_name) > 0): raise ValidationError( 'The Product Category Name must be specified' ) if (len(prod_cat_name) <= max_len) \ and \ (len(prod_cat_name) >= min_len): ... else: raise ValidationError( 'A Product Category Name length must be between 1 and 30 characters long' ) if not prod_cat_descr or not (len(prod_cat_descr) > 0): raise ValidationError( 'A description of this Product Catagory must be provided' ) return
[docs] def clean(self): """ Clean and validate the data given for the constraint record. :return: """ cleaned_data = super().clean() prod_cat_name = cleaned_data.get('prod_cat_name') prod_cat_descr = cleaned_data.get('prod_cat_descr') self.validate_prod_cat_fields(prod_cat_name, prod_cat_descr) return
# seems like the server won't fire up with a Form filled out but no Views to go with it????
[docs]class ProductNameForm(forms.ModelForm): """ Manage Product details with a generic form. """
[docs] class Meta: """ Additional info to help Django provide intelligent defaults. """ model = Product fields = ['id', 'prod_name', 'prod_cat', ]
# following along from LocRowForm help text in models.ProductCatagory # additional help text for id and prod_cat_descr # not sure how its used yet prod_name = forms.CharField( help_text=Product.prod_name_help_text, required=True, )
[docs] @staticmethod def validate_product_fields( prod_name: str, prod_cat: int, ): """ Validate the various product category record fields. :param prod_cat_name: name of product :param prod_cat_id: foreign key from product category :return: True if valid """ max_len: int = Product.prod_name_max_length min_len: int = 1 if not prod_name or not (len(prod_name) > 0): raise ValidationError( 'The Product name must be specified' ) if (len(prod_name) <= max_len) \ and \ (len(prod_name) >= min_len): ... else: raise ValidationError( 'A Product name length must be between 1 and 30 characters long' ) if not prod_cat: raise ValidationError( 'A (foreign key) id of product category needs to be provided' ) return
[docs] def clean(self): """ Clean and validate the data given for the constraint record. :return: """ cleaned_data = super().clean() prod_name = cleaned_data.get('prod_name') prod_cat = cleaned_data.get('prod_cat') self.validate_product_fields(prod_name, prod_cat) return
[docs]class ProductExampleForm(forms.ModelForm): """ Manage Loction row details with a generic form. """
[docs] class Meta: """ Additional info to help Django provide intelligent defaults. """ model = ProductExample fields = ['id', 'prod_example_name', 'product', ]
prod_example_name = forms.CharField( help_text=ProductExample.prod_example_name_help_text, required=True, )
[docs] @staticmethod def validate_product_example_fields( prod_example_name: str, product: int, ): """ Validate the Product Example Name and Foreigh Key Product ID :param product_example_name: name of product example :param product: foreign key from products table :return: True if valid """ max_len: int = ProductExample.prod_example_name_max_length if not prod_example_name or not (len(prod_example_name) > 0): raise ValidationError( 'The Product Example name must be specified' ) if len(prod_example_name) > max_len: raise ValidationError("The Product Example Name should be no more " "than 30 characters long") if not product: raise ValidationError( 'A Product ID is required to enter/edit a Product Example Name' ) return
[docs] def clean(self): """ Clean and validate the data given for the constraint record. :return: """ cleaned_data = super().clean() product_example_name = cleaned_data.get('prod_example_name') product_id = cleaned_data.get('product') self.validate_product_example_fields(product_example_name, product_id) return
[docs]class ManualLocTableForm(forms.ModelForm): # Manage RebuildLocationTable with a generic form
[docs] class Meta: # Additional info to help Django provide intelligent defaults model = Location # fields defined in model based on DB, not DB column heads! fields = ['loc_code', 'loc_descr', 'loc_in_warehouse', 'loc_bin', 'loc_row', 'loc_tier']
loc_code = forms.CharField(help_text=Location.loc_code_help_text, required=True,)
[docs] @staticmethod def validate_manual_loc_table_fields( loc_code: str, loc_descr: str, loc_in_warehouse: bool, loc_bin: int, loc_row: int, loc_tier: int): ''' Validate the various Location record fields :param loc_code: Location Code :param loc_descr: Location Description :param loc_bin: Location Bin :param loc_row: Location Row :param loc_tier: Location Tier ''' loc_code_max_length = Location.loc_code_max_length loc_descr_max_length = Location.loc_descr_max_length min_len = 1 if not loc_code or not (len(loc_code) > 0): raise ValidationError( 'The Location Code must be specified' ) if (len(loc_code) <= loc_code_max_length) \ and \ (len(loc_code) >= min_len): ... else: raise ValidationError( 'A Location Code must be between 1 and ' + loc_code_max_length + 'characters long.' ) if (len(loc_descr) <= loc_descr_max_length) \ and \ (len(loc_code) >= min_len): ... else: raise ValidationError( 'A Location Description must be between 1 and ' + loc_descr_max_length + 'characters long.' ) if not loc_bin: raise ValidationError( 'A Location Bin Value is required to Rebuild Location Table' ) if not loc_row: raise ValidationError( 'A Location Row Value is required to Rebuild Location Table' ) if not loc_tier: raise ValidationError( 'A Location Tier Value is required to Rebuild Location Table' ) return
[docs] def clean(self): # Clean and validate the data entered in the web form # loc_in_warehouse not cleaned because it has a default value of 'True' # Need to check if you can enter a not False or not True value cleaned_data = super().clean() loc_code = cleaned_data.get('loc_code') loc_descr = cleaned_data.get('loc_descr') loc_in_warehouse = cleaned_data.get('loc_in_warehouse') loc_bin =cleaned_data.get('loc_bin') loc_row = cleaned_data.get('loc_row') loc_tier = cleaned_data.get('loc_tier') self.validate_manual_loc_table_fields(loc_code, loc_descr, loc_in_warehouse, loc_bin, loc_row, loc_tier) return
[docs]class BoxTypeMaintenanceForm(forms.ModelForm): # Manage List, Add, Edit and Delete for BoxTypes
[docs] class Meta: # Additonal info to help Django provide intelligent defaults model = BoxType fields = ['id', 'box_type_code', 'box_type_descr', 'box_type_qty']
box_type_code = forms.CharField( help_text=BoxType.box_type_code_help_text, required=True ) box_type_descr = forms.CharField( help_text=BoxType.box_type_descr_help_text, required=True ) box_type_qty = forms.IntegerField( help_text=BoxType.box_type_qty_help_text, required=True )
[docs] @staticmethod def validate_box_type_fields( box_type_code: str, box_type_descr: str, box_type_qty: int, ): max_len = BoxType.box_type_code_max_len if not box_type_code or not (len(box_type_code) > 0): raise ValidationError('A Box Type Code must be entered') elif len(box_type_code) > max_len: raise ValidationError(f'A Box Type Code is required to be no more ' f'than {max_len} characters in length') max_len = BoxType.box_type_descr_max_len if not box_type_descr or not (len(box_type_code) > 0): raise ValidationError('A Box Type Description must be entered') elif len(box_type_descr) > max_len: raise ValidationError(f'A Box Type Description is required to be ' f'no more than {max_len} characters in ' f'length') if not box_type_qty or box_type_qty < 1: raise ValidationError(f'You must enter a whole number 1 or more ' f'in Box Type Qty.') return
[docs] def clean(self): cleaned_data = super().clean() box_type_code = cleaned_data.get('box_type_code') box_type_descr = cleaned_data.get('box_type_descr') box_type_qty = cleaned_data.get('box_type_qty') self.validate_box_type_fields(box_type_code, box_type_descr, box_type_qty) return